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9th EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Forum ‘Diversity in Diverse Europe’

The European Commission in collaboration with the Czech Diversity Charter are organising this year’s Annual Forum to promote diversity management at the workplace.

Related topics

Tackling discrimination

date:  15/10/2018

venue:  Vienna House Andel’s Prague Hotel

ContactEuropean Commission, DG Justice and...


logo of the Charters representing a colourful treeThe European Commission in collaboration with the Czech Diversity Charter (Byznys pro společnost) are organising this year’s Annual Forum to promote diversity and inclusion at the workplace.

This year's forum "Diversity in Diverse Europe" will take us back to the basics – diversity and inclusion as key values of Europe. With different sessions we will try to find solutions on how we could work with "worries" and stereotypes, how to communicate on values and the importance of story-telling. The Annual Forum will bring together around 200 diversity experts, businesses and public sector representatives.

The forum will be in English, with no interpretation.

Background documents to be found at the bottom of the page:

  • Agenda
  • Speakers’ bios
  • Outline documents
    • Panel discussion ‘Together for diverse Europe’
    • Panel discussion ‘The power of communication’
    • Parallel workshops (will be uploaded later)
      • Diversity and inclusion – not just for a show! Measuring the success of diversity
      • From exclusion to inclusion – minorities at the workplace
      • Becoming a champion – how to change the organisation culture? What we need from leaders?
      • Diversity drives innovation – how can technological innovation and new economic models drive diversity?

Useful links:


(469 KB - PDF)
Panel discussion ‘Together f...
(285 KB - PDF)
Panel discussion „The power ...
(444 KB - PDF)
Biographies of the speakers
(1.38 MB - PDF)
Event report
(1.93 MB - PDF)
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