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Event to mark the entry into application of the GDPR

The European Commission (EC) is organising on 25th May 2018 three events to mark the entry into application of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): one in Brussels, one in New Delhi and one in Santiago.

Related topics

Data protection

date:  25/05/2018


This event will be opened by Ms Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice and Consumers and Ms Andrea Jelinek, Head of Austria’s Data Protection Authority and Chair of the European Data Protection Board. It will feature speakers from the political sphere, civil society and businesses.
Participation is by invitation only. Registration is now closed.

You may follow this event via web streaming as from 2pm on the day.

You can send questions during the event at:

Live streaming: (to be streamed on the day)


- agenda Brussels



New Delhi and Santiago

On the same day,  the Commission is also organising two international events in New Delhi and Santiago to celebrate our shared values with key partners in Asia and Latin America as well as the opportunities of convergence in the area of privacy.

#PrivacyinIndia for Delhi

#EULatamPrivacy for Santiago 

- agenda New Delhi

- agenda Santiago

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