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EU Rights of the Child Newsletter No 2bis of 2018- update (2 March 2018)

Newsletter 2bis of 2018 year focuses on rights of the child European Union activity that has been carried out during the last months of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. Newsletter No 3 will focus on reports and information from international organisations, NGOs and other relevant stakeholders in the field. A recent DG DEVCO call on deinstitutionalisation/alternative care of children (countries external to the EU) with an application deadline of 27 March 2018 was added to Newsletter No 2. We also took the opportunity to rectify some inadvertent clerical errors, hence No 2bis.

date:  23/02/2018



1. Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children - deadline for proposals: 13.11.2018

2.Call for proposals on capacity-building in the area of rights of the child - Putting in place robust national or regional integrated mechanisms to support children ageing out of/leaving alternative care -deadline for proposals: 31.5.2018

3.NEW: 6.2.2018 - Call for proposals - Quality alternative care for children and de-institutionalisation (external to the EU) – deadline: 27.03.2018

4.Horizon 2020 - Mapping and overcoming integration challenges for migrant children - deadline: 13.03.2018

5.Call for proposals – Asylum, migration and integration fund (AMIF)-2017-AG-INFO to support awareness raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in selected third-countries - deadline: 5.04.2018

6.Call for proposals for cybercrime projects in the framework of the annual work programme 2017 of the Internal security fund (ISF) police -  deadline: 6.03.2018

7.Call for proposals the area of integration of third-country nationals (2017) (AMIF-2017-AG-INTE) - deadline: 1.03.2018

8.Open public consultation questionnaire to the citizens, organisations and stakeholders for the Multiannual Financial Framework values and mobility cluster, which covers among others the rights, equality and citizenship (REC) and the Justice programmes - deadline:  08.03.2018

9. Public consultation on EU funds in the areas of security and migration -deadline: 08.03.2018

10.Compilation of previously-funded REC projects updated 3 February 2018

OTHER EUROPEAN COMMISSION NEWS - Communication from the commission to the Parliament and the Council midterm review of the EU framework for national Roma integration strategies

12. Migration and home affairs - EMN country fact sheets - SWD(2017) 286 final

13. 30.08.2017 - Progress across Europe in the implementation of the 2013 EU recommendation on investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage

14. Data on children in migration – new Eurostat folder on children

15. NEW: 19 February 2018 – Eurostat - access to social services, in particular to formal childcare services

16. Eurostat - infographic on first time asylum applicants in Q3 of 2017 in EU28 and the Member States

17. Eurostat - asylum quarterly report. Data as of 12.12.2017

18. Compilation of data on children in migration – latest update

19. Continuously open call – list of experts to help the Commission in the framework of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme (includes rights of the child and Daphne funding on violence against children)


20. 7.2.2018 - Resolution on zero tolerance for female genital mutilation (FGM)

21. 7.2.2018 - Resolution on protection and non-discrimination with regard to minorities in the EU Member States

22. 8.02.2018 - Resolution on child slavery in Haïti

23. 02.2018 - Research for the European Parliament culture committee - recommendations for EU policy developments on the protection of children in the digital age

24.Council of the European Union -  12.10.2017 - Council conclusions on the application of the EU Charter of fundamental rights in 2016 - EU Court of Justice decision on unaccompanied child becoming an adult during the process and asylum proceedings

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

26.2018 – Summary report on guardianship systems for children deprived of parental care in the European Union

27.2018 – Easy-to-read version of report on child-friendly justice - perspectives and experiences of children involved in judicial proceedings

28.February 2018 - Current migration situation in the EU: impact on local communities

29.February 2018 - Migration to the EU: five persistent challenges

30.2017 - Together in the EU - promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants

31.December 2017 – Migration overview report (including child protection)

32.June 2017 - European legal and policy framework on immigration detention of children


33.Previous issues

34.Subscribing to the newsletter



1.Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children - deadline for proposals: 13.11.2018

30.01.2018 Opening date for submissions: 8.03.2018. Link:

There are five funding priorities:

  • Prevention of gender-based violence (GBV): The focus of this priority is on primary prevention, in particular changing social norms and behavior, in order to end tolerance of all forms of gender-based violence
  • Protection and support for victims and witnesses (including children) of domestic violence, including through tackling under-reporting, promoting multi-disciplinary cooperation, and capacity building for relevant professionals
  • The coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence to include refugees and migrants (children, women, LGBTI persons, men and boys), in particular to ensure their recovery from such trauma
  • Prevention and responding to cyber sexual- and gender-based violence (targeting children, women, LGBTI persons, men and boys), such as revenge porn, extortion with the use of sexual imagery ("sextortion"), sexual or gendered online harassment/bullying, grooming, etc.
  • Promoting the embedding of child safeguarding policies across different settings and sectors, such as sports clubs and organisations, extra-curricular activities and/or leisure/recreation clubs/organisations for children (including faith/church-led; scouts and girl guides, private schools), both as a means to protect and safeguard children as well as to equip staff with the necessary training and guidance.

Projects may be national or transnational and eligible countries are EU Member States and Iceland. Please read the call carefully and disseminate to anyone you know who may be interested.

2.Call for proposals on capacity-building in the area of rights of the child - Putting in place robust national or regional integrated mechanisms to support children ageing out of/leaving alternative care -deadline for proposals: 31.5.2018

30.01.2018 - Opening date for submissions: 30.01.2018 - Link:

Priorities of the projects are to support capacity building of professionals working for and with children on the rights of the child and child protection: project activities shall focus on putting in place robust national or regional integrated mechanisms to support children ageing out of/leaving alternative care and they shall encompass a strong child participation component (in project conception and design/empowerment of children/the child’s right to be heard/children’s involvement in reviewing service delivery)

Projects may be national or transnational and eligible countries are EU Member States and Iceland. Please read the call carefully and disseminate to anyone you know who may be interested. This call is also in the context of integrated child protection systems.

3 NEW: 6.2.2018 - Call for proposals - Quality alternative care for children and de-institutionalisation (external to the EU) – deadline: 27.03.2018

Published on 6 February 2018. Action to take place in third countries.


This new EU call aims at better implementation of the UN's guidelines on alternative care of children. The call has four specific objectives:

  • Enabling governments to provide and take control of quality alternative care provision to children who are deprived of parental care and/or
  • Regulating and monitoring the quality of the alternative care solutions provided to children who are deprived of parental care and/or
  • Supporting the transition from institutional to community-based care and
  • Preventing the unnecessary separation of children from their families.

4.Horizon 2020 - Mapping and overcoming integration challenges for migrant children - deadline: 13.03.2018

Funding opportunity under the Horizon 2020 Programme – Link:

Under the Horizon 2020, under the societal challenges pillar there is an open call, on integration of refugee and migrant children, to ease the education system challenges that may face by the cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity as well as socio-economic inequalities of pupils. The call is open for proposals that generate data and policy recommendations for integration in schools of pupils, including children on migration, refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied children, including those residing in hotspots and reception centres. The proposals may also have an integrated approach, including on how access to adequate housing, a decent standard of living and protection from all forms of abuse and exploitation, healthcare and psychosocial support, alternative pedagogical approaches and arts affect successful integration in schools. Refugee and migrant children participation is required.

5. Call for proposals – Asylum, migration and integration fund (AMIF)-2017-AG-INFO to support awareness raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in selected third-countries - deadline: 5.04.2018

Published on 12.12.2017. Opening date 12.12.2017. Link:

This Call for Proposals aims at funding projects of information and awareness-raising campaigns in the area of migration in Algeria, The Gambia, Guinea Conakry, Ivory Coast, Niger, Mali, Morocco, Senegal or Tunisia [1], aiming at preventing irregular migration and, in particular, migrant smuggling and trafficking of human beings, as defined in the AMIF Annual Work Programme for 2017. The general objective of the present Call for Proposal is to contribute to the change of perceptions and behaviour of third country nationals pondering irregularly migrating to the EU and key influencers of their decisions. The goal of this Call for Proposals is to support projects that pursue the following specific objectives:

  • to provide trusted, factual, balanced information on the risks of irregular migration – during the journey (dangers of migrating irregularly) and after arrival (hardship of living in the EU irregularly and return), as well as on relevant legal alternatives of migration and on economic opportunities of staying in the country of origin;
  • to empower credible voices in countering migrant smugglers' narratives on irregular migration and the diasporas' narratives on living irregularly in the EU;
  • to strengthen multi-stakeholder cooperation between actors such as civil society organisations, researchers, media outlets, local state actors, diaspora and where relevant other stakeholders;
  • to enhance the sustainability of communication activities and results of the campaign.

6.Call for proposals for cybercrime projects in the framework of the annual work programme 2017 of the Internal security fund (ISF) police -  deadline: 6.03.2018

Transnational projects and seeking EU co-funding equal to or more than 250. 000 € - Total budget: 8 million € -  Link:

Project applications must address at least one of the following priorities in the areas of cybercrime (including fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment) and child sexual exploitation (with specific focus on victim identification and countering travelling child sex offenders):

  • Developing capacity and expertise of law enforcement and judicial authorities. This includes, for instance, the development of investigative and forensics tools to address the challenges posed by the use of encryption by criminals and its impact on criminal investigations and supporting law enforcement authorities' engagement in the area of Internet governance;
  • Fostering cross-border cooperation among law enforcement and judicial authorities. This includes, for instance, the setting up of mechanisms facilitating swift access to seized evidence or intelligence (or both) across borders;
  • Fostering cross-border cooperation between law enforcement/judicial authorities and private entities. This includes, for instance, the establishment of mechanisms supporting public-private cooperation.

7.Call for proposals the area of integration of third-country nationals (2017) (AMIF-2017-AG-INTE) - deadline: 1.03.2018

A call of proposals is open under the AMIF Programme: AMIF-2017-AG-INTE on integration of third-country nationals. - Link:,topics=callIdentifier/t/AMIF-2017-AG-INTE/1/1/1/default-group&callStatus/t/Forthcoming/1/1/0/default-group&callStatus/t/Open/1/1/0/default-group&callStatus/t/Closed/1/1/0/default-group&+identifier/desc

It covers different topics:

8.Open public consultation questionnaire to the citizens, organisations and stakeholders for the Multiannual Financial Framework values and mobility cluster, which covers among others the rights, equality and citizenship (REC) and the Justice programmes - deadline:  08.03.2018

We would encourage any of you interested in, or who have previously benefited from EU funding on rights of the child, violence against children or justice to contribute to this.

In 2018, the Commission will make comprehensive proposals for the next generation of financial programmes for the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework, which is the EU's long–term budget. The Commission's proposals aim to make it possible for the EU to deliver on the things that matter most, in areas where it can achieve more than Member States acting alone. This requires a careful assessment both of what has worked well in the past and what could be improved in the future. This consultation is an integral part of the process and its objective is to collect the views of all interested parties on how to make the most of every euro of the EU budget.

Consultations have taken place in the context of evaluations of existing EU financial programmes covering several policy areas, including on current performance and future challenges. The views expressed by stakeholders in these consultations will be taken into account as part of the current process for the future Multiannual Financial Framework.

Published on 10.01.2018. To know more and submit your response, please follow the link:

9.Public consultation on EU funds in the areas of security and migration -deadline: 08.03.2018

As these funds cover children in migration, trafficking and child sexual abuse and exploitation, please contribute if you can.

10.Compilation of previously-funded REC projects updated 3 February 2018

The new version updated on 3 February 2018 is now online:

OTHER EUROPEAN COMMISSION NEWS - Communication from the commission to the Parliament and the Council midterm review of the EU framework for national Roma integration strategies

The midterm review takes stock of the progress since the launch of the EU framework for national Roma integration strategies (NRISs) in 2011. It is based on data on how the situation of Roma have changed and input from national authorities, civil society and other partners. The review confirms the added value of the framework, the relevance of EU Roma integration goals and the continued need for a combination of targeted and mainstream approaches.

12.Migration and home affairs - EMN country fact sheets - SWD(2017) 286 final

Summary of the main developments in 2016 in all Member States and Norway presenting an overview of the most recent migration and international protection-related statistics. Link: - Progress across Europe in the implementation of the 2013 EU recommendation on investing in children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage

A study of national policies, 2017. Link:

14.Data on children in migration – new Eurostat folder on children

To make children more visible in data already collected, Eurostat has created a dedicated node on statistics on "Migrant children' and the first data sets are published. It located under cross-cutting topics in Eurostat database jointly with Migrant integration indicators following the link:

15.NEW: 19 February 2018 – Eurostat - access to social services, in particular to formal childcare services

Almost 4 in 10 children in the EU receive formal childcare services, the 29% paying full or reduced price and 10% using cost free services. The uptake of paid services is similar in urban, suburban and rural areas, but some more difference for cost free services among the areas.

16.Eurostat - infographic on first time asylum applicants in Q3 of 2017 in EU28 and the Member States


17.Eurostat - asylum quarterly report. Data as of 12.12.2017

 Asylum data. Link:

18.Compilation of data on children in migration – latest update

Link to last update:  

19.Continuously open call – list of experts to help the Commission in the framework of the Rights, Equality and Ctizenship programme (includes rights of the child and Daphne funding on violence against children)


NEWS FROM OTHER EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS AND AGENCIES - Resolution on zero tolerance for female genital mutilation (FGM)

Resolution number R(2017/2936 (RSP)). - Link:

The Resolution reinforces the need for prevention of this form of violence, urges the Commission and Member States to include FGM prevention measures in all policy areas (including health, social work, education, justice, etc.), to step up cross-sector cooperation and to help build bridges between organisations working with communities, and urges EU Member States which have not ratified the Istanbul Convention to do so in order to have an integrated approach on preventing and combating FGM. - Resolution on protection and non-discrimination with regard to minorities in the EU Member States

Resolution number (2017/2937(RSP)). Link:

The European Parliament adopted this resolution urging at combating discrimination against autochthonous, national and linguistic minorities, considering it to be a national and EU responsibility. It lists some challenges still to be addressed in the field, and it encourages the Commission to combat LGBTI discrimination and homophobia with some target actions such making information on the recognition of cross-border rights for LGBTI persons and their families in the EU accessible and investing in providing targeted education at different stages in order to prevent bullying and combat homophobia in a structured manner. - Resolution on child slavery in Haïti


23.02.2018 - Research for the European Parliament culture committee - recommendations for EU policy developments on the protection of children in the digital age

The study provides information, analysis and recommendations regarding future EU policy developments on the protection of children in the digital age, identifying recent policy developments at EU level, evaluating existing EU initiatives and instruments and recommendations. Link:

24.Council of the European Union -  12.10.2017 - Council conclusions on the application of the EU Charter of fundamental rights in 2016

"Asylum and migration

13. The Council recognises the need to respect the fundamental rights of migrants, persons seeking asylum, refugees and persons eligible for subsidiary protection even in the face of pressing challenges in the areas of migration and asylum. The Council agrees that EU and national actions should particularly take into account the serious risks of abuse and exploitation, for example by smugglers and human traffickers, with women and children facing greater risks of violence and discrimination.

c) Rights of the child

14. The Council highlights the importance of the protection of children and respect for the principle of the best interests of the child as a primary consideration in all actions affecting children.

15. The Council underlines that cooperation and dialogue with stakeholders are key to ensure the respect of children’s rights, and notably through the exchange of good practices, which should be further developed. It recalls the Annual Forum on the rights of the child, the informal Member States expert group on the rights of the child as well as the Commission’s initiative to establish a European guardianship network. " - EU Court of Justice decision on unaccompanied child becoming an adult during the process and asylum proceedings

Opinion of Advocate General Bot. Case C-550/16 A, s. V Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie.

You can read the full opinion here:

Conclusion of the Opinion of the Advocate General Bot: "A third country national or stateless person under the age of 18 who arrives on the territory of a Member State unaccompanied by an adult responsible for him by law or custom, who applies for asylum, then, during the procedure, attains the age of majority before being granted asylum, with retroactive effect to the date of the application, and subsequently applies for family reunification as granted to unaccompanied minor refugees under Article 10(3) of that directive, may be considered to be an unaccompanied minor, within the meaning of Article 2(f) of Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 December 2003 on the right to family reunification.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

26.2018 – Summary report on guardianship systems for children deprived of parental care in the European Union

The report summarises the guardianship systems put in place to cater for the needs of all children in need of protection, including child victims and those at risk of becoming victims of trafficking in human beings or of other forms of exploitation, including the type of guardianship systems in place, the profile of appointed guardians, the appointment procedures and the tasks of the guardians.

27.2018 – Easy-to-read version of report on child-friendly justice - perspectives and experiences of children involved in judicial proceedings

FRA has recently made available an easy-to-read version of the report Child-friendly justice: Perspectives and experiences of children involved in judicial proceedings published in February 2017. The report was based on interviews of almost 400 children in five EU Member States and identified barriers children face and possible solutions and some promising practices already in use. Link to the easy-to-read version:

28.February 2018 - Current migration situation in the EU: impact on local communities


This report focuses on housing, education, the local community and social responses to persons in need of international protection. Among the main findings where that, although few trainings courses were organised for local authorities specifically to ensure fundamental rights complaint, but in cases where it was provided, they focused on vulnerable persons such as unaccompanied children. As for education, challenges and good practices were reported on, among others, specific support for asylum-seeking children.

29. February 2018 - Migration to the EU: five persistent challenges

Update on fundamental rights concerns in some EU Member States. The report covers five key challenges such as on unaccompanied children. Link:

30.2017 - Together in the EU - promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants


This report examines Member States’ integration policies and action plans for promoting their participation in society, highlighting both promising practices and shortcomings, and focusing on the importance of education for the societal integration for children, among other topics described such as non-discrimination, education, employment, language learning and political engagement.

31.December 2017 – Migration overview report (including child protection)

The report includes, among others, child protection for November 2017. Link:

32.June 2017 - European legal and policy framework on immigration detention of children


The report takes the rights of the child to protection and care as a starting point when examining the content of the right to liberty and security. It outlines the main fundamental rights safeguards provided for in EU and human rights law to prevent unlawful and arbitrary detention, including best practices and aiming to assist asylum and migration practitioners in implementing policies in line with the law.


33.Previous issues

You will find previous issues of the Newsletter on the rights of the child from January 2017 onwards here:

34.Subscribing to the newsletter

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