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Commission publishes report on the collective redress possibilities in Member States

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Civil Justice

date:  26/01/2018

The Commission has published today a report looking at the progress made by Member States on the implementation of collective redress measures following the Commission’s 2013 Recommendation. The report shows that the availability of collective redress mechanisms as well as the implementation of safeguards against the potential abuse of such mechanisms is still not consistent across the EU. Commissioner Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality said: "Recent cases, such as the Volkswagen scandal, illustrate the challenges in addressing situations where millions of consumers have suffered the same harm across the EU. We have strong consumer protection rules in place in our Union, but we need to make sure they are also respected and enforced. We will address this in the New Deal for Consumers this spring." While EU legislation protects well the rights of consumers, the Commission will propose a "New Deal for Consumers" in spring as announced in the Commission's work programme for 2018, to further strengthen ways of enforcement and redress for consumers,. Today's report will feed into the preparations for this initiative. The Commission also publishes today a further study on national procedural laws and their impacts on the protection of consumers under EU consumer law, including redress opportunities.

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