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New report on Religious clothing and symbols in employment

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Fundamental rights

date:  07/12/2017

The European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination has prepared a timely thematic report on Religious clothing and symbols in employment.

Commissioned by the European Commission and authored by Erica Howard of Middlesex University, the report analyses the EU and Council of Europe legal frameworks on freedom of religion and non-discrimination and provides a comprehensive overview of EU Member State legislation and case law on the wearing of religious clothing and symbols in both public and private employment.

The report focuses also on the EU's Employment Equality Directive and the two March 2017 landmark decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Achbita and Bougnaoui, which both concern Muslim women who, following unsuccessful requests by their private employer for them to remove their headscarves during working hours, were dismissed from their jobs.

The report which provides a useful overview on a topical and controversial issue is being launched today during the 4th NGO roundtable chaired by the Commission's Coordinator on combating anti-Muslim hatred.   


Religious clothing and symbols...
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