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Good Practice Exchange Seminar on Policies to combat bullying of LGBTI people in educational institutions

The event was hosted by the Portuguese government and took place in Lisbon. It brought together the European Commission, Member States and NGOs who shared their knowledge and experiences in order to develop policies and establish more effective ways to combat the discrimination of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex people in educational institutions.

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Tackling discrimination

date:  18/09/2017

In its concluding remarks, the European Commission underlined that addressing violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or sex characteristics (SOGIESC) was part of protecting and upholding fundamental rights in the EU. It recalled that whole-school approaches appeared the most effective in addressing and preventing bullying, and stressed that there was no ‘one size fits all’ approach: Member States should identify the most strategic approach in their socio-economic and political contexts, in order to best abide to their obligation to protect children from violence.

You can find below a summary report of the seminar which includes case studies and recommendations.


summary report of Lisbon semin...
(570 KB - PDF)
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