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New publication "The meaning of racial or ethnic origin in EU law: between stereotypes and identities"

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the conceptual background of the ground of racial or ethnic origin as well as its practical interpretation by international as well as national courts.

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Tackling discrimination

date:  27/02/2017

It was drafted by the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination. The author, Lilla Farkas, is a senior expert on racial or ethnic origin.

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the conceptual background of the ground of racial or ethnic origin as well as its practical interpretation by international as well as national courts. The report conceives of racial or ethnic origin as a single, composite and transversal conceptual category for the purposes of implementing anti-discrimination law, rather than considering them as separate grounds. It provides a highly relevant theoretical framework and a useful basis for practical legal interpretation in the void created by the lack of universally accepted definitions.



The meaning of racial or ethni...
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