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124 000 legal practitioners trained in European law in 2015

In 2011, the Commission issued a Communication on European judicial training setting a target of at least 5% of European legal practitioners attending training in EU law every year.

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date:  22/12/2016

While 25 000 legal professionals received EU funding for increasing their knowledge of the European Union law or another Member State's law, 124 000 legal practitioners were actually trained in 2015. Notaries particularly increased their participation in the training, while the number of bailiffs and court staff could still be improved.

Commissioner for Justice, Vĕra Jourová, said: "Training legal practitioners helps to ensure the coherent application of European law everywhere in the EU. It helps develop mutual trust in cross-border judicial proceedings and legal certainty."

To date close to 500 000 legal practitioners were able to profit from this training. Considerable differences remain in the levels of participation among Member States, which tends to be higher with practitioners from newer EU countries. In 2017, the training will continue and the Commission will particularly focus its funding on the structure of European judicial training to develop a more systematic approach to cross border cooperation and provision. Legal practitioners interested in EU law training can find information and guidance on the EU's e-Justice Portal. Training providers can also find advice on teaching methods in all official EU languages.


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