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Safety without borders: International Product Safety Week 2016

The International Product Safety Week will take place this year from 14 to 18 November. Regulators and stakeholders from more than 40 countries will meet to exchange their ideas and experiences on current product safety matters. This year, the event will focus on the challenges brought about by the digital economy.

date:  14/11/2016

During the first two days of the event, an International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization (ICPHSO) Symposium will take place, with the theme 'Joining the dots: safety and cooperation in the connected world'. Topics such as 'the Internet of Things', drone safety, and safety criteria for innovative products will be discussed in a series of forward-looking sessions. 

The European Commission will then host a conference about the safety of products sold online, in which product regulators and important online companies will participate. They will exchange views and best practices for ensuring the safety of products sold online. The aim is to create a market where consumers ordering products online are just as well protected as consumers shopping offline. This will enable them to rise to the challenges of a rapidly evolving global marketplace

On the same day, there will be a workshop for stakeholders to discuss ways of increasing the impact of product safety alerts and the use of the EU's Rapid Alert System. This will be followed by a session, in collaboration with the Product Safety Forum of Europe (PROSAFE), to discuss the outcomes of the workshop and the future of joint actions on product safety market surveillance by EU Member States. The week will conclude with the Consumer Safety Network and the RAPEX-China Working Group meetings. Attendance at these meetings is limited to authorities and specific observers.

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