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Convergence of insolvency frameworks within the European Union - the way forward

Conference organised under the auspices of the Slovak Republic Presidency of the EU

date:  12/07/2016 - 12/07/2016

venue:  Conference Centre Albert Borschette (CCAB), Room 0A, 36 Rue Froissart, Brussels

RegistrationRegister here




Tuesday 12 July 2016 in Brussels - 09:30-16:30 at Conference Centre Albert Borschette (CCAB), Room 0A, 36 Rue Froissart, Brussels


As a follow up of the Commission Recommendation of 2014 on a new approach on business failure and insolvency, and in line with the 2015 Capital Markets Union action plan, the European Commission is in the process of preparation of a legislative initiative addressing certain aspects of substantive insolvency laws. This event, which hopefully will bring together the representatives of the Member States, European Parliament, national Parliaments, business and household associations, members of judiciary, legal practitioners, entrepreneurs and academics on issues related to insolvencydebt restructuring and second chance, will contribute to the preparatory work of the Commission.


How to register

The closing date for applications is 31 May 2016. You will receive a confirmation of your participation before 12 June 2016. Please be advised that, due to the limited capacity of the conference room, we are not able to guarantee a place for every applicant.

How to get there

Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union


Public transport, maps, hotels...
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