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Commissioner Jourová speaks out on the International Day against Female Genital Mutilation

On the occasion of the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, Commissioner Jourová, together with the HRVP Mogherini and Commissioner Mimica, reaffirms the European Commission's commitment to eliminate Female Genital Mutilation, a violation of human rights and children's rights.

date:  05/02/2016

The Commission has been supporting work by grassroots NGOs at the heart of communities that practice female genital mutilation and engage with women, girls, men, boys, as well as traditional and religious leaders. An additional € 4.5 million will be made available starting this year to support projects that aim to prevent and combat violence against women and girls linked to harmful practices within the European Union.

For more information:

What is the European Union doing about FGM? See: Eliminating female genital mutilation

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