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Commission steps up its international engagement to fight money laundering & terrorist financing

Money laundering and terrorist financing are global phenomena. Increased cooperation at EU and global level is the best way to tackle them.

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Criminal Justice

date:  18/07/2017

In addition to being a member of the Financial Action Task Force, the Commission requested to become an observer at the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs). The Egmont Group is made up of 156 FIUs and provides a platform for the secure exchange of expertise and financial intelligence to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

At the 24th Egmont Group Plenary Meetings in July 2017, the European Commission was awarded the Observer Status of the Egmont Group. On the same occasion, Ms Hennie Verbeek-Kusters (FIU Netherlands) was appointed as Chair of the Egmont Group for the coming two years.

The European Commission strongly support the objectives of the Egmont Group by encouraging cooperation between FIUs at an EU level. New EU rules that strengthen the role of and cooperation between FIUs have recently come into force across Europe, on 26 June. Furthermore, in its freshly published Staff Working Document, the Commission presents the results of the analysis conducted by EU FIUs, the measures to help tackle the difficulties flagged in the analysis as well as further measures to enhance cooperation between FIUs. 

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