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Journal articles presenting TEDAM work

In the first six months of 2023, two articles have been published that include work carried out by the TEDAM team

date:  13/07/2023

  • Persyn, Barbero, Díaz-Lanchas, Lecca, Mandras, and Salotti provide a spatial general equilibrium analysis of the impact of the transport infrastructure investment of the 2014-2020 cohesion policy programmes - Read the Journal of Regional Science article
  • Marques Santos, Barbero, Salotti, and Conte study the impact on employment of investment in digital capital in the EU Member States - Read the Economic Modelling article
  • Marques Santos, Barbero, Salotti, Diukanova, and Pontikakis study the determinants of employment changes towards more competitive and more environmentally sustainable activities in the EU - An Industry and Innovation article is forthcoming (the working paper version is available here)