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Recent publications using EUROMOD

A list of recent publications using EUROMOD, including direct links.

date:  09/03/2023

A comprehensive database with publications using EUROMOD is available on our website. Please find below the publications that have been added to the database since the previous newsletter.

We would be very grateful if you could inform us about any missing publications and your use of EUROMOD in publications, research projects, etc., by contacting us here

Working papers

Keeping the best of two worlds: Linking CGE and microsimulation models for policy analysis
Benkovskis Konstantins, Fadejeva Ludmila, Pluta Anna, Zasova Anna
Latvijas Banka, 1/2023

The New Version of Latvian CGE Model
Benkovskis Konstantins, Matvejevs Olegs
Latvijas Banka, 2/2023

Who Pays for Higher Carbon Prices? Illustration for Lithuania and a Research Agenda
Immervoll Herwig, Linden Jules, O'Donoghue Cathal, Sologon Denisa M.
IZA Discussion Paper Series, No. 15868, 2023

Not That Basic: How Level, Design and Context Matter for the Redistributive Outcomes of Universal Basic Income
Aerts Elise, Marx Ive, Verbist Gerlinde
IZA Discussion Paper Series, No. 15952, 2023

The effectiveness of social protection in five African countries through normal times and times of crisis
Gasior Katrin, Tasseva Iva, Wright Gemma
WIDER Working Paper, 2022/174

The role of social protection and tax policies in cushioning crisis impacts on income and poverty in low- and middle-income countries
Lastunen Jesse, Oliveira Rodrigo C., Rattenhuber Pia, Samarin Melissa, Shahir Adnan Abdulaziz
WIDER Working Paper, 2023/6

Adaptive Social Protection in Indonesia – Stress-testing the effect of a natural disaster on poverty and vulnerability
Barnes Helen, Gasior Katrin, Noble Michael, Wright Gemma
CeMPA Working Paper Series, 01/23

The sins of the parents: Conceptualising adult-oriented reforms to family policy
Patrick Ruth, Reeves Aaron, Stewart Kitty
CASEpaper, 228, 2023

Fair Earnings Tax Reforms
Ooghe Erwin, Schokkaert Erik, Serruys Hannes
CESifo Working Papers, No. 10242, 2023

Assessing the impacts of the COVID-19 wage supplement scheme: A microsimulation study
Abela Glenn
Central Bank of Malta Working Paper, WP/06/2022


Verhoging van minimumloon en bijstand als wondermiddel voor welvaart en welbevinden van de lage inkomensgroep? [Raising the minimum wage and social assistance – a panacea for the prosperity and well-being of the low-income group?]
Geppert Christian, Muns Sander

PhD thesis

Essays on behavioural response to tax-benefit reforms
de Mahieu Antoine