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Journal articles presenting TEDAM work

In the last six months of 2022, two articles were published which include work carried out by the TEDAM team

date:  10/01/2023

  • Barbero, Conte, Crucitti, Lazarou, Sakkas, and Salotti provide a spatial general equilibrium analysis of the impact of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in the EU regions - Read the Regional Studies article
  • Crucitti, Lazarou, Monfort, and Salotti study the international spillovers generated by Cohesion policy - An Economic Systems article is forthcoming (an early version of it is available as a DG REGIO Working paper here)
  • The article by Barbero, Christensen, Conte, Lecca, Rodríguez-Pose, and Salotti on the influence of quality of government improvements on the impact of Cohesion policy was included in the Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 61, pp. 38-57