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Four Technical Reports on Cohesion policy

In the first six months of 2022, we published four Technical Reports analysing Cohesion policy with the RHOMOLO model

date:  15/06/2022

  • Crucitti, Lazarou, Monfort, and Salotti study the macroeconomic impact of the 2014-2020 Cohesion policy programmes in all the EU regions - Technical Report no. JRC128322
  • Persyn, Barbero, Díaz-Lanchas, Lecca, Mandras, and Salotti concentrate on the transport infrastructures investments - Technical Report no. JRC128412
  • Gianelle, Guzzo, Barbero, and Salotti study the economic impact of the governance of Smart Specialisation in the Italian regions - Technical Report no. JRC128607
  • Crucitti, Lazarou, Monfort, and Salotti analyse several scenarios on the 2021-2027 Cohesion policy in Romania - Technical Report no. JRC129049