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Where does the EU cohesion policy produce its impact? Simulations with a regional dynamic general equilibrium model

The RHOMOLO model was used to investigate the macroeconomic effects of the 2007–2013 cohesion policy investments in the EU with a focus on international spillovers.

date:  15/09/2021

author:  Philippe Monfort and Simone Salotti

See alsoThe DG REGIO working paper

The main findings suggest that cohesion policy programmes had a positive and significant impact on the economies of the EU Member States and regions, particularly in the poorest regions of the EU.

Spatial spillovers imply that the progammes implemented in the main beneficiaries of the policy also benefit its main contributors. For some of these Member States, spillovers even constitute the main source of benefits from cohesion policy.

See also this related non-technical Policy Insight.