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A scenario analysis of the 2021-2027 European Cohesion Policy in Bulgaria and its regions

The RHOMOLO model was used to estimate the economic impact of the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy in Bulgarian NUTS-2 regions and analyse the implications for growth and development in Bulgaria.

date:  01/09/2021

author:  Francesca Crucitti, Nicholas-Joseph Lazarou, Philippe Monfort, and Simone Salotti

See alsoThe Technical Report

This Technical Report finds that a projected €10.9 billion of Cohesion Policy funding would increase Bulgarian GDP by 3.4% above its baseline value at the end of the implementation period in 2030 and by 2.4% ten years later.

The results suggest that there is no systematic equity-efficiency trade-off in Bulgaria which mainly arises as the consequence of low spillovers in the capital city region versus the strictly higher spillovers observed in the rest of the country’s regions.