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Economic modelling to evaluate Smart Specialisation: An analysis on research and innovation targets in Southern Europe

This Technical Report introduces a new methodology for the ex-ante macroeconomic impact assessment of Smart Specialisation using the RHOMOLO model and the information on R&D personnel targets contained in the Operational Programmes of the EU regions.

date:  06/04/2020

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author:  Javier Barbero, Olga Diukanova, Carlo Gianelle, Simone Salotti, and Artur Santoalha

The RHOMOLO model is used to gauge empirically the general equilibrium effects implied by the Smart Specialisation logic of intervention as foreseen by the policy makers designing and implementing the European Cohesion policy.

More specifically, the analysis shows the potential macroeconomic effects of achieving the R&D personnel targets planned by a set of Southern European regions. The Report also contains a discussion of the implications of the proposed methodology for future assessments of Smart Specialisation.

The full Technical Report can be found here.