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An Input-Output sectorial analysis of North Macedonia

The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) team has published an updated Input-Output sectorial analysis of North Macedonia building on the Smart Specialisation work investigating the strengths of the economy done in 2018.

date:  26/02/2020

author:  Giovanni Mandras, Andrea Conte, and Simone Salotti

See alsoThe Policy Insight

This Policy Insight builds on the work done by the European Commission in support of an Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans. It contains an Input-Output multiplier analysis focused on the economic sectors which have been found to be either current or emerging strenghts of the economy of North Macedonia.

Over the 2014-2022 programming period, the European Union has destined €664 million to North Macedonia under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) program.