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The 2019 assessment of the macroeconomic effects of the European Fund for Strategic Investments with the RHOMOLO-EIB model

In December 2019, this article written by Martin Christensen of JRC Seville and Georg Weiers and Marcin Wolski of the EIB was published on Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research.

date:  23/12/2019

author:  Martin Christensen, Georg Weiers, and Marcin Wolski

This article illustrates the methodology used for the impact assessment of EFSI carried out with the RHOMOLO-EIB model and reports the result of the latest set of simulations, corresponding to the portfolio of all approved EFSI-supported operations as of June 13th, 2019. The estimates suggest that, by 2019, more than 1 million jobs are expected to be created thanks to the approved operations (1.7 million by 2022), with a positive contribution to GDP of 0.9% (1.8% expected by 2022) over the baseline.

The article is freely available for download here. The full reference is the following: Christensen, M., Weiers, G., and Wolski, M. (2019). The 2019 assessment of the macroeconomic effects of the European Fund for Strategic Investments with the RHOMOLO-EIB model. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research 2019/3(45), 5-15.