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The impact of the Grand Paris Express on the European regions: a RHOMOLO analysis

This Technical Report illustrates a RHOMOLO simulation assessing the likely economic impact of the Grand Paris Express investments on the EU economies.

date:  15/08/2019

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author:  Francesco Di Comite, Giovanni Mandras, and Stylianos Sakkas

The Grand Paris Express aims at modernising the existent transport network in the Île-de-France and its investments are estimated at €28 billion for the period 2010-2037.

Based on the assumption of a combined 1% increase in labour productivity due to better matching between skill supply and demand and a 1% increase in accessibility achieved with the completion of the project, the RHOMOLO simulations suggest an overall medium-term positive GDP impact for the EU as a whole (0.18%), for France (0.79%) and for Île-de-France (2.61%).

The full Technical Report can be found here.