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An assessment of IPA public investment in R&I in Albania

The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) team has analysed the potential economic impact of the EU Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) supporting reforms in Albania.

date:  15/05/2019

author:  Olga Diukanova, Andrea Conte, and Simone Salotti (JRC Seville)

See alsoThe Policy Insight

The EU Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) supports reforms in the enlargement countries with financial and technical help. Out of the almost €650 million destined to Albania over the programming period 2014-2022, €44 are supporting competitiveness and innovation.

Policy simulations using CGE modelling techniques show positive macro-economic effects of the IPA funds for competitiveness and innovation both in the short run and in the long run thanks to productivity improvements.


Policy Insight Albania.pdf
(644 KB - PDF)