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The 2018 European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels

The Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) team participated in the 2018 European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) in Brussels (Belgium) and organised a special session.

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date:  08/10/2018 - 11/10/2018

venue:  The Square Conference Center, Bruxelles

Organiser:  DG REGIO and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR)

See alsoThe European Week of Regions and Cities

In 2018, Cohesion Policy has reached its 30th anniversary, and the EWRC was anchored to the key moments of the policy cycle such as the proposal for the next Multiannual financial framework and its underlying legislative instruments, and the European Parliament elections. Cohesion policy is the main European investment policy to achieve the EU Treaty objective of economic, social and territorial cohesion.

The REMO team organised the special session named "Territorial Mapping and Modelling of Education and Skills across EU regions" in which Stylianos Sakkas (JRC Seville), Roulette Maeva (DG EMPL), Giulia Santangelo (JRC Ispra), and David Bartolini (OECD) presented their research. It has been an occasion to present the impact assessment of the ESF carried out with the RHOMOLO model. 


EWRC programme
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