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The second CoP Cities Plenary meeting - Thank you for joining!

Last month, we held our second online CoP Cities plenary meeting on April 28th.

More than 60 members joined and learned of current and new developments related to cities from within the European Commission (DG REGIO) and from Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and the City Science Initiative (CSI).

We also presented our latest batch of policy briefs and learnt about the new methodology developed by the JRC for running the CityLabs.

Click on the link below to get access to the presentations.

date:  11/05/2022

Dear members of the Community of Practice on Cities,

Thank you to all of you who attended the plenary meeting on the 28th of April.

Please find below an overview of the Plenary meeting with links to presentations given by each speaker.

A recording of the event was made for internal purposes and can be made available upon request.


We look forward to your continuating cooperation in the future.

Kind regards,

The CoP Cities editorial Team.




Up next: insights from CoP-CITIES Members

Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO): Thomas de Béthune | Team Leader, Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development Unit 

Presentation available here

Urban Innovative Actions (UIA): Tim Caulfield | Director of the UIA Initiative

Presentation available here

City Science Initiative (CSI): Caroline Nevejan | Chief Science Officer of the city of Amsterdam

Presentation available here

Building upon The Future of Cities report – the new policy briefs

Shrinking cities: Jean-Philippe Aurambout | Project Officer, Territorial Development Unit, JRC

Cities fit for the digital age: Patrizia Sulis | Project Officer, Territorial Development Unit, JRC

Urban-peripheral interactions and their territorial disparities: Carolina Perpiña Castillo | Project Officer, Territorial Development Unit, JRC

Presentation available here

CityLabs: a proposed methodology

Silvia Iodice, Patrizia Sulis, Giulia Testori | Project Officers, Territorial Development Unit, JRC

Presentation available here