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EU Digital Autumn School on the Protection of Public Spaces

Register for specialized sessions on a broad spectrum of topics. The morning sessions will focus on introducing the concepts, while the afternoon sessions will look into practical case studies, hands-on exercises and in-depth discussions.

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date:  23/09/2021 - 21/10/2021

venue:  online, once a week

Organiser:  European Commission

RegistrationRegister for the morning sessions

See alsoRegister for the afternoon sessions

In line with the Counter-Terrorism Agenda for the EU, the EU Action Plan to Support the Protection of Public Spaces and the staff working document on Good Practices to Support the Protection of Public Spaces the European Commission supports national, regional and urban authorities and operators of public spaces in the exchange of good practices and lessons learnt, the creation of networks and in the cooperation among them across the EU. To this end, the European Commission is organizing the second EU Digital Autumn School which will offer specialized workshops on a broad spectrum of topics related to the protection of public spaces.  


  • Disseminate scientifically based knowledge for the better protection of public spaces across the EU
  • Provide detailed information and guidance for a comprehensive approach to protect public spaces – from evaluation of risk to calculation and selection of mitigation solutions
  • Provide information on freely accessible resources to serve security operators, practitioners and researchers
  • Provide information on funding opportunities and other initiatives at EU level
  • Stimulate sharing of knowledge and experience among security operators, authorities, urban planners, scientists, and policy-makers and create networks

Venue: online


The school will provide five training days. Each training day consists of a two-hour morning session starting at 10:00 CET which would focus on introducing the conceptual framework of the topic. The afternoon session, starting at 14:30 CET, will look into practical case studies, hands-on exercises and in-depth discussions on the subject.

*) Attendance to the session subject to approval by the organizers of the application and of a short justification on why the applicant is interested in the topic.

Audience: Public authorities and private operators involved in the protection of public spaces, across different sectors including, but not limited to, urban security, law enforcement, public transport, mass events, hospitality, places of worship or commerce.

Language: English

Application (morning sessions):

Application (Afternoon sessions, 1st and 2nd available for the moment):