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Tom: Our newly appointed Head of Unit:! We're all feeling the groove!

Tom congrats

date:  21/07/2023

Tom, working by your side and learning from your leadership has been truly inspiring. I'm happy that we'll keep exploring new ways of communicating for a better and less risky world together! (André)

Congratulations on your well-earned promotion! I’m very happy for you and wish you the best! (Luca Maffenini)

Congratulations Tom, you deserve it! (Regina)

Congratulations Tom, you well deserved it after many years of enthusiastic and determined work! All the best! (Diego)

I am so happy Tom for your nomination and nobody else could carry on this better than you who know this Unit so deeply (Emilia)

I extend my congratulations on your nomination as our unit head (Peter Spruyt)

All the best Tom, well deserved! (Guy)

A well-deserved recognition of your impressive transformational leadership qualities and the best possible development for the Unit... Van harte gefeliciteerd! (Öcal)

Congratulation for your achievement Tom, I'm very happy to continue working with you! (Fabio Bortolamei)

It is precious for such a complex and strategic unit to have your many years of competence to bring stability, while we browse the increasingly dramatic signs of global change – and we share the responsibility (not only scientific) to analyse together and provide robust actionable advice on unprecedented multi-crisis disasters (Daniele)

Congratulations for this very well-deserved achievement! (Pierpaolo Tommasi)

Congratulation Tom!! At E1 we love innovation in DRM. But for us, for once, “no-change” is a very great news 😉 (Valerio)

Tom, I was so happy to read the appointment notice. After soo many years working with you, it would have been difficult to imagine not having you as a head of unit. Looking forward to the next years! (Thomas)

Congratulations, Tom! You were already at the helm of this boat many times and we know you’ll steer it successfully from now on. Bravo! (Daniele)

Finally, what we all have been waiting for! So well deserved! Congratulations! (Ana)

I have the feeling that this was the most awaited announcement of the year! Congrats, Tom, it is useseless to say that it has been such a well deserved achievement. (Adelaide)

I’m so happy for you and our Unit, congratulations!! Never give up! (Malwina)

Well-deserved appointment that finally publicly recognises something that everyone who had the pleasure of working with you already knew: your innovative spirit, your solid leadership and your gentle attitude. Glad to contribute to the goals of the Unit under your guidance! (Giuliana)

This is just wonderful news! Congratulations and my best wishes on this new role! (Evangelos)

Tom, this is proof that competence and dedication are recognised and rewarded at the JRC! I look forward to continuing to have visionary conversations together. I have always considered it a privilege to be able to have such direct, spontaneous and passionate exchanges of opinion and vision with you about the work we care so much about. I look forward to continuing to 'catch fire' again on my side and to benefit from your temperance to control the passion without losing determination 😉 (Marzia)

Big congratulations Tom, this is a very good news for the unit and is absolutely deserved by you. A recognition of many years of hard work and dedication! Bravo. (Simone)

Proficiat Tom! Disaster Risk Management begint bij goed voorbereid zijn, en je aanstelling als HoU volgt alleszins die lijn. We hebben geen evidente sector om in te werken, maar toch veel voldoening gewenst in je werk! (Willem)

Congratulations on your promotion, you really deserve it! (Francesco)

Tom, your confirmation as Head of Unit is great news indeed… but the really FANTASTIC news is that it is as Head of OUR Unit!!! Congrats, or should I say… comhghairdeas leat, a Tom! (Niall)

Congratulations Tom for being acknowledged for your remarkable work and being confirmed to steer the best unit! (Pietro Florio)

Congratulations on the well deserved appointment! We are lucky to have you! (Giuseppe Baiamonte)

Tom, after such a long waiting time I am really glad that you have finally made it! Looking forward to continue the journey together with you in the coming years! (Peter Salamon)

Hi Tom and first of all congrats for your position as Head of Unit. Was a long journey but well deserved and was a great news for all of us as unit. I hope that we can continue the amazing work we have been doing in the last years keeping the high standards that are well recognized and where you were a key part of the process. Im really glad that the unit is in good hands and looking forward for the near future as I think you have the experience, ability and the proper knowledge to even go further Its really rewarding working in this Unit having you as the leader and be able to represent us in such a passionate way as you always do. When we promote working together (and you do it) we create a better future for sure. And I foresee a great and bright future for the unit. Congrats (Duarte Oom)