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Inventory of crisis management capabilities

The inventory of crisis management capabilities aims to be used as an operational tool toquickly identifyand mobilise of available mechanisms, tools and instruments in a particular crisis situation. Moreover, it can be used as a reference tool to support the EU’s crisis management preparedness and response infrastructure and identify its gaps.

date:  12/12/2022

Structure of the current inventory:

  1. Commission/Council/European External Action Service coordination-level tools (e.g. ARGUS/Integrated Political Crisis Response - IPCR)
  2. 24/7 capacities (e.g. the Emergency Response Coordination Centre - ERCC; the EU Situation Room)
  3. Sectoral tools, i.e. tools grouped under sectors (disaster risk reduction, health, economic crises, cyber, CBRN, etc.)

For each of the above, the information provided is: the capacity that the tool can deliver; the types of assets available; how the delivery can be performed, i.e. (i) the speed of activation; (ii)  use in the crisis cycle.

The report has a “to the point” style, it’s comprehensive (all EU mechanisms, tools and instruments are listed) and it is a living document that’s yearly updated. It also provides an electronic/searchable database.

The text is an internal Commission document. Interested Commission colleagues are invited to contact Agne Geniusaite and the SG ARGUS functional mailbox to request  it.