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INFORM Climate Change is operational: a new INFORM product that projects the risk of humanitarian crisis and disasters in the future

INFORM Climate Change complements INFORM Suite by adding a climate change perspective and insight into the future risk of humanitarian crisis.

date:  07/10/2022

As greenhouse gas concentrations continue to increase, extreme weather and climate-related risks are becoming amplified. Especially in countries with high vulnerability and low coping capacity, these risks can cause humanitarian crises and disasters. Major crises result in catastrophic human and economic losses, cost billions in humanitarian assistance and set back sustainable development.

INFORM Climate Change is based on the INFORM Risk Index. It incorporates climate and socioeconomic projections to analyse how risk will change as a result of climate change under different emission and population scenarios. 

While there are uncertainties in this analysis relating to future greenhouse gas emissions and socio-economic development pathways, we can draw the following broad conclusions, which show that climate change will increase crisis risk and could lead to extremely significant crisis impacts and related requirements for crisis prevention and humanitarian assistance. 

Key findings for the pessimistic scenario combination for greenhouse gas emmissions and socio-economic deelopment (RCP8.5-SSP3) by 2050

The results are intended to inform policy choices across climate mitigation, climate adaptation, disaster risk reduction, sustainable development and humanitarian assistance.

From the 13th October 2022,  a report on concept and methodology of INFORM Climate Change Risk Index, a brochure with results and findings from the INFORM Climate Change analysis as well as  INFORM Climate Change interactive tool will be available online