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High Level Event on New Technologies in Disaster Risk Reduction by the Czech Republic Presidency, the IFRC and UNDRR

A discussion, organized under the auspices of the Czech Republic in its capacity as European Union Council President, on best practices in the use of new technology and digitalization in disaster risk reduction to inform relevant policy making at the trans-national, governmental and agency levels, including upcoming EU Council Conclusions on Disaster Risk Reduction.

date:  05/10/2022

On 12 September 2022, in Geneva, an high level event focused on the use of new technologies in disaster prevention and risk reduction took place. The event was organized by the Czech Republic in its capacity as European Union Council President, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and the UN Disaster Risk Reduction Office (UNDRR).  

The event aimed to engage Geneva permanent missions and agencies in a discussion on best practice in the use of new technology and digitalization in disaster risk reduction with an eye to informing relevant policy making at the trans-national, governmental and agency levels, including upcoming EU Council Conclusions on Disaster Risk Reduction.

Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, stressed the need for increased investment in disaster prevention, where new technologies can play a crucial role in early warning, preparedness, and response to reinforce the foundations of disaster risk management. Through Horizon Europe and the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre the EU has been supporting technological research and innovation for DRR with COPERNICUS and GALILEO at the forefront of its programs, and artificial intelligence and virtual reality in its toolbox. 

DRMKC moderated the high-level panel of experts and shared with UNDRR understanding on mutual progress and potential contributions to the Mid Term Review in 2023. The event was also the opportunity for DRMKC to exchange with MeteoSwiss/WMO on the Early Warnings for All, and it was invited to the launch event of the process on 22/10/2022.