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CONRIS network seminars

date:  16/09/2021

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Dear DRMKC members and subscribers,

Improved scientific capabilities and knowledge have enabled the role of science in several aspects of Disaster Risk Management.

Working with the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre and the CONRIS network, Disaster and Emergency Management course at Coventry University will host a series of 12 online Disaster Risk Management Training seminars between the 22nd of September 2021 and April 2022 to provide students studying in disaster risk management with international, state of the art, evidence based knowledge about disaster risk management which should contribute to the quality of disaster risk management practices.

Four themes are identified for the series, including mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery; each theme will be covered by means of scientific knowledge, a supporting case study and an exercise (drill).

The goals are to:

  1. provide understanding of disaster risk;
  2. identify solutions to potential risk using a student-centred approach.

Students from partner universities and organisations are welcome to participate in the seminars.

For information on the program of seminars and for details on the registration, visit the new Learning Corner page of the DRMKC website.


The DRMKC team



Register here to our 5th annual seminar