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5th DRMKC Annual Seminar Invitation


date:  01/09/2021

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Dear DRMKC Members and Colleagues,

You are warmly invited to join us at the Fifth annual seminar of the DRMKC that will take place virtually on the 17-18 of November.

Within the newly established Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network, the DRMKC is proposed to become the nucleus of its Science Pillar. The pillar will be a collaborative space where the scientific community connects to the operational stakeholders while ensuring that decision-makers benefit from already-existing scientific knowledge and that the scientists benefit from decision-makers’ experience to further develop innovative and tailored technologies.

The annual seminar will be an opportunity to launch a new phase of dialogue between civil protection authorities and the scientific community and to start building the network together.


Objective of the seminar

The scope would be to establish the core community of scientists who will help constructing the knowledge base for supporting DRM activities and actions.

The seminar will hence address specific activities that can make significant impact in terms of role and mission of the Science Pillar:

  • Making available and better quality risk and loss data, improving risk assessment methodology, better understanding of risk driver and harmonization of risk metrics (Session 1);
  • Advising on strategies and policies to counter disastrous situations through the development of resilience scenarios that factor in multiple hazards and cascading effects for improved early warning systems (Sessions 2 and 3);
  • Provide scientific advice in implementing the Union Disaster Resilience Goals, measuring and monitoring them (Session 4).


Program & on-line Registration

Please check the draft agenda for more information on the scope of the different sessions.

More information on the program, the webex link to participate to event will be made available soon on our website.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation to the event within 11th of September by registering under:

In case the above link is not working for you, please follow the below procedure:

  1. Login with your ECAS credentials from this link:
  2. You can just use the password, no need to authenticate with your mobile.
  3. Then, once you are in, you can open the link below, it should drive you directly to the registration page:

In case of any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact event secretary at:


Call for contributions

We invite you to submit proposals for topics to be presented and discussed in each of the four main sessions. In particular, presentations on lessons learned, experiences from Member States and examples on how research outputs are translated into policies related to the topics of the seminar are especially sought.

For the proposals, please submit a tentative title, name of speaker, and contributors and a short abstract (max. 200 words) of the contribution by the 15th of October using the following online form:


We look forwarding to your participation to event and to receiving your contributions.

The DRMKC team