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Newsletter from the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre

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A building block of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network's Science Pillar

Dear readers of the DRMKC News,

We are reaching out with this Newsletter today to update you on some important changes. As of January 2023 the DRMKC Newsletter will no longer be issued, so this is the last of this kind from us. We are joining forces with the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network and we will transition all our news in the “Science Pillar” section of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Newsletter.

There as well, of course, there will be the opportunity for all contributors to previous DRMKC Newsletters (and new ones!) to continue sharing their news. To do so, we encourage you to contact us through the dedicated email address ( as DRMKC will be the editor of the Science section of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Newsletter, we will be receiving your proposal contributions submitted to that address.

To receive automatically the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Newsletter directly in your inbox, you can subscribe for it here.

Occasionally, however, the DRMKC will continue sharing updates through what we call “DRMKC Flash News”: a more agile and ad-hoc way of communicating with you, when the planned Newsletters are too far in the future and we have “burning” messages to share.

As we are approaching the end of the year, we want to share with you the facts & figures of DRMKC in this busy 2022: we are happy to look back and find such an impressive amount of work done, which would have never taken place without your generous and enthusiastic collaboration! Thanks for this and happy winter break to all of you!

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Outcomes of the 6th Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre Annual Seminar

This year’s annual seminar marked the end of the first full year of activity of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network. It was co-organized with DG ECHO and the French Ministry of Interior and took place in Paris on 22-23 November. 98 participants from 22 EU and non-EU Countries attended in presence,, plus remote participants via WebEx and followers of the web-streaming. Here is a brief summary of what was discussed.

The European Commission’s Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre - DRMKC at COP27

The DRMKC organized a side event at the COP27 as a joint effort between scientists, practitioners and policy makers from the participating organizations to build the evidence base to inform future action on disaster risks.

The ‘Scientific Opinion on Strategic Crisis Management’

Together with the Statement on ‘Values in times of crisis’ produced by the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, this opinion have been handed over in the European Parliament to Commissioners Gabriel and Lenarčič.

Informing decision-making on the availability and accessibility of medical countermeasures: HERA’s threat prioritisation exercise

To guide and inform about the Union’s efforts to ensure the timely availability and accessibility of medical countermeasures, HERA identified a priority list of three categories of serious cross-border health threats, those being (1) pathogens with high pandemic potential, (2) chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats, and (3) threats resulting from antimicrobial resistance.

First “State of Health Preparedness Report” from the Commission

The 2022 State of Health Preparedness report is the first of its kind. The report highlights the progress made in the fields of preparedness and response since the start of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, focusing in particular on medical countermeasures.

Inventory of crisis management capabilities

The inventory of crisis management capabilities aims to be used as an operational tool toquickly identifyand mobilise of available mechanisms, tools and instruments in a particular crisis situation. Moreover, it can be used as a reference tool to support the EU’s crisis management preparedness and response infrastructure and identify its gaps.

First operational activation of the Aerial Component of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS)

The CEMS Aerial Component delivers centimetre-resolution images and digital surface models in its first activation, contributing to analysing the impact of a landslide in Ischia, Italy.

Global Projections of Population by Degree of Urbanisation

The Global Human Settlement Layer team kicks off a project to forecast the future spatial growth of human settlements and its population.

Science and solutions for climate-resilient Europe

EU-funded research underpins global climate assessments & plays a key role in building effective strategies for addressing the climate crisis. A recent publication from DG Research & Innovation showcases projects on different aspects of climate adaptation.

The European Climate and Health Observatory

The climate crisis is also an impending health emergency. The European Climate and Health Observatory aims to support Europe in preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change on human health by providing access to relevant information and tools.

CERIS Disaster-Resilient Societies State-of-Play

The CERIS Disaster Resilience Societies (DRS) State of Play event on 7-10 November has been very successful and proved to be as effective as ever regarding networking and project synergy-building.

The second edition of the Disaster risk management online seminars delivered by Coventry University has been successfully completed

Working with the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) and the Cooperation Network for Risk, Safety & Security Studies (CONRIS Network), the Department for Disaster and Emergency Management at Coventry University, UK, has completed the second Disaster Risk Management Training online series 2022. The event has attracted 218 registers, including 113 academics from 26 universities: 40 officials from the public sectors, and 53 participants from NGOs and other international disaster management agencies.

Learning corner

Learning opportunities from the DRM community


Contact us: DRMKC
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