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ISA² has a new member - North Macedonia

The European Commission and North Macedonia have signed an agreement, granting the country access to the EU programme to develop and share solutions for digital public administrations.

Open PM²: Interview with Elias Michelioudakis

Open PM² is an Open Project Management methodology developed by the European Commission and used by many other institutions. The methodology was created to make project management easier and reduce costs.

Guidelines for assessing archives management systems and new LOD report published

Archival institutions searching for IT solutions to support their business activities often consider the organisation of proofs of concepts to identify the best tools. Within the Standards-based archival data management action supported by the ISA² programme, a methodology has been identified to guide institutions through this complex process.

PM² Essentials: course material available online

The European Commission is now releasing the presentation with training material from the one-day course called Project Management Methodology Essentials to further support institutions, organizations and European citizens in understanding the methodology and use it as appropriate.

Emerging technologies in public procurement: Study results

In 2019, the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs commissioned a study on the uptake of emerging technologies in public procurement. This study explored how public authorities around the globe are using new technologies when procuring goods and services. The results of the Digital Transformation of Public Procurement study are now publicly available online.

ISA² Work Programme for 2020 adopted

The European Commission has adopted the 2020 revision of the ISA² rolling work programme on 4 March 2020. The new work programme includes 54 actions, all of them are ongoing from previous years. For 17 actions, no additional funding is necessary to ensure their completion. The budget for 2020 is €27.8 million.

TESTA helps the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in aid to countries in crisis

Crisis response coordination at European level is enhanced as the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus intensifies. TESTA supports real time exchange of information between the Emergency Response Coordination Centre and the contact points of the Member States through the Common Emergency Communication and Information System.

Interoperability is at the heart of the new EU digital strategy

Last week, the European Commission unveiled its new digital package with ideas and actions for a digital transformation in Europe. This package includes the strategic document Shaping Europe's digital future, European strategy for data and White Paper on Artificial Intelligence. Interoperability is mentioned as one of the key aspects.

Catalogue of Services webinar on the Single Digital Gateway data model

Catalogue of Services is an ISA² action that aims to analyse obstacles, benefits and feasibility of developing a catalogue of public services at the national and European level. This webinar was organised to support EU countries by proposing a common data model that complies with the Single Digital Gateway Regulation.