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10. External dimension

This section focuses on the latest developments around the external dimension, covering the period October to December 2021.

8. Return

This section focuses on the latest developments in the field of return at EU and national level, covering the period October to December 2021.

7. Irregular migration

This section focuses on the latest developments in the field of irregular migration at EU and national level, covering the period October to December 2021.

5. Integration

Find an overview of the latest updates around integration at EU and national level, covering the period October to December 2021.

4. Legal migration

This section focuses on the latest developments in the field of legal migration at EU and national level, covering the period October to December 2021.

1. General policy developments

In this section, readers will find an overview of the EU policy updates, as well as the latest national developments that have taken place across Europe, covering the period October to December 2021.

37th Edition

The EMN Quarterly provides policymakers and other practitioners with updates on recent migration and international protection policy developments at EU and national level. This edition provides information from 01 October to 31 December 2021, including the (latest) relevant published statistics. The Quarterly is organised by policy theme. You can directly access your area of interest by clicking "more" under one of the policy titles.

Solidarity with Ukraine

We continue our strong solidarity with Ukraine faced with Russia’s unprovoked aggression. All efforts have been put in place to make sure that all fleeing the war are safe in the EU. Commissioner Johansson visited Ukraine in August to address the EU response and ongoing implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive.