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Find an overview of the latest updates around integration at EU and national level, covering the period October to December 2021.

date:  15/04/2022

EU developments and updates

On 10 December 2021 the AMIF funded REGIN (Regions for Migrants and Refugees Integration) project published a new website called ‘Integration Lab Database’, gathering examples of practices related to migrant integration with the involvement of regional authorities. The website shares integration practices assessed by an evaluation framework. The featured initiatives aim to promote inclusion and sustainability, as well as innovation and a multi-stakeholder approach.

National developments

Croatia: “Within INCLuDE project - Interdepartmental Cooperation in Empowerment of Third-Country Nationals, co-financed by AMIF, implemented by the Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities, the first set of trainings was held in October and November for representatives of public institutions and civil society organizations at the local level on sensitization, development of new knowledge and competencies in the implementation of integration measures and improvement of intersectoral cooperation of services and organizations in local governments. The trainings were attended by 270 people from more than 20 cities throughout the Republic of Croatia.“

On 8 December 2021 , as part of the activities of the INCLuDE project and organised as part of the Human Rights Film Festival, a roundtable was held on the "Integration of Migrant Women: Opportunities and Challenges." The aim was to present key challenges in the integration of migrant women, focusing on women granted international protection.

On 12 November 2021 a session of the Standing Committee for the Implementation of the Integration of Foreigners into Croatian Society was held, where recent achievements and challenges in the field of integration of persons granted international protection were presented.

On 14 December 2021 a meeting of integration coordinators was held at the local level, with the aim of presenting professional, administrative, and financial preconditions for the development of local integration plans from the perspective of the City of Zagreb.

On 10 December 2021 a meeting of the Advisory Group of Third Country Nationals and Persons of Migrant Origin was held to present news in the field of integration, i.e., activities and measures defined at the national level and within the competence of the City of Zagreb.

Cyprus: In October 2021, the project team and the regional intercultural coordinators of the project ‘Building structures for intercultural integration in Cyprus’ held their first official informative meeting with key stakeholders including the mayors of all major cities, local authority associations, civil society organisations, the EU Representation, and the UNHCR in Cyprus.  The project aims to support the integration of third-country nationals by empowering local authorities, NGOs, and migrant organisations to be part of the integration process.

Estonia: In November, the government approved the Cohesive Estonia Development Plan 2021–2030 that sets goals for integration, including adaptation, for the next ten years. Cohesive Estonia 2030 focuses on the promotion of integration and adaptation activities, developing a multifaceted diaspora policy (including supporting Estonian communities abroad, encouraging citizen diplomacy, and creating an infrastructure to facilitate ethnic return migration), strengthening civil society, improving childcare and support structures for families, and implementing smart demographic analysis methods. The development plan will be implemented in collaboration between the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Finland: A workspace for integration and refugee reception experts called Partnership Platform opened on 2 December 2021. The platform is an interactive, digital, and communal platform for operators, experts, stakeholders, and networks involved in the integration, immigration, and reception of refugees. Partnership platform – a workspace for integration and refugee reception experts to go online today! - Integration

France: The Ministry of the Interior organised a "Integration Week for Newly Arrived Foreign Nationals" throughout the country from 11 to 15 October 2021. The Government wishes to highlight to the general public the progress made in integrating newly arrived foreign nationals, including refugees, to promote territorial initiatives and to strengthen mobilisation, particularly on the issue of professional integration.

France:  A decree published on 23 December 2021 and a decision, which came into force on 1 January 2022, introduce a standardised certification to assess the language level that can be issued to foreign nationals as part of the Republican Integration Contract signed when they arrive in France as part of their integration pathway. The decree specifies the certification procedures, while the decision sets out and adapts the procedures and duration of civic and language training. It also specifies the time limit within which third-country nationals may request certification.

Germany: In view of the changes in Afghanistan, the Federal Ministry of the Interior opened  integration courses on 6 January 2022 to evacuated Afghan nationals who have benefited from international protection and/or whose asylum applications are still being processed.

Greece: Publication and completion of public electronic consultation (by Jan.2022) of the New National Integration Strategy which targets asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection and comprises also a pre-integration stage, including education and training. Signature of an MoU between the Ministry of Migration & Asylum and the UNHCR on the implementation of pre-integration and integration initiatives concerning applicants and beneficiaries of international protection focusing on a) enabling integration through investment in refugee talent, and b) monitoring of integration.

Ireland: On 16 November 2021 the Department of Justice announced changes to simplify the processing of citizenship applications.

Italy: er 2021 the UNHCR and Anpal Servizi spa signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to facilitate the integration of refugees and asylum seekers into the labour market.  The agreement aims at a greater involvement of the private sector, both by providing companies with adequate knowledge and tools to make the workplace suitable to accommodate refugees, and by strengthening the skills of the network of employment services, as well as civil society actors who support inclusion pathways. It also aims to increase awareness of the economic inclusion of refugees and the benefits that accrue to businesses and the local community. Also, the UNCHR Italy project "Welcome. Working for refugee integration", has since 2016 been rewarding companies that have distinguished themselves for encouraging the inclusion of refugees in the labour market and for promoting personalised pathways.

As of December 2021 two new online knowledge tools have been set up including a report of the observatory on socioeconomic and financial inclusion and an interactive dashboard on migrants’ businesses. The new tools have been realised within the project ‘Futurae’, resulting from a collaboration between the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and Unioncamere (the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts and Agriculture), and financed by the National Fund for Migration Policies. As far as the training and coaching activities for migrants’ businesses are concerned, so far 20 new businesses have been set up, another 10 are in the process of registration, and 90 further new activities are at an advanced stage of development.

The new Annual Reports on the presence of migrants in metropolitan cities are now online. The fifth edition presents nine in-depth studies and a comparative summary. The publication intends to explore the local dimension of the migratory phenomenon, in relation to the geographical distribution of non-EU citizens, the main indicators of stabilisation, as well as the participation of migrants in the labour market, entrepreneurial dynamism, and remittance flows. The data also allow us to reflect on the consequences of the pandemic, which are more serious for the non-EU population and in particular for foreign women for whom an alarming increase in the rate of inactivity has been recorded. For more information visit this link: Quaderno di sintesi sulla presenza dei migranti nelle 14 Città metropolitane.

Luxembourg: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Department of Integration made an exception to the usual procedure for granting subsidies to associations. Applications for subsidies no longer needed to be submitted within six weeks of the start of a project. Any association that carried out a project promoting intercultural living together during the months of October, November, or December 2021 could submit a grant application.

On 8 October 2021, as part of the National Action Plan on Integration, the Department of Integration within the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region launched a call for projects that promote the local integration of all residents of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as well as cross-border workers. The call for projects focuses on political and citizen participation.

On 17 November 2021 the first hybrid edition of the Local Integration Exchange and Support Group (GRESIL) took place. During this seventh edition of the GRESIL, 140 political leaders, municipal representatives as well as members of the municipal consultative commissions on integration exchanged views on the theme "Promoting living together in our municipalities through meeting places and exchange".

On 20 November 2021 the Orientation Day of the Reception and Integration Contract (CAI) took place in virtual form for the third time. More than 500 CAI signatories registered for the event and had the opportunity to become familiar with administrative procedures, the country's institutions, and community life in Luxembourg.

Having entered into force on 24 December 2021, the Ministerial Regulation of 15 December 2021 modified the minimum level of remuneration of highly qualified third-country workers who do not enjoy free access to the national labour market.

On 27 October 2021 the Minister of Social Security and the Minister of Health presented the “Universal Health Care Coverage" project. As foreseen by the coalition agreement 2018-2023, the project will provide access to free healthcare to vulnerable persons living in Luxembourg without health insurance.

On 25 November 2021 the OECD presented the results of its study on "The functioning of the integration system and its actors in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg." It was commissioned by the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region in the context of a reform of the integration law of 16 December 2008. The study resulted in a number of recommendations.

On 9 December 2021 the University of Luxembourg presented, in the presence of the Minister of National Education, Children and Youth, the third national report on education. The report highlights, among other things, the educational inequalities of pupils with a migrant background.

The Netherlands: On 6 October 2021 it was announced that EUR 50 million would be made available to increase housing for vulnerable groups, including beneficiaries of international protection. Of the EUR 50 million, EUR 18 million is specifically intended for beneficiaries of international protection.

On 25 November 2021 it was announced that municipalities will receive incidental financial support for IT-related costs related to the implementation of the new Civic Integration Act which came into effect on 1 January 2022.

Portugal: IOM Portugal and the ACM High Commission participated in seven meetings under the High Commission for Migration’s Operative Group, to discuss movements related to the arrival of unaccompanied migrant children, relocation of beneficiaries from Greece, Italy, and Malta, and the resettlement of refugees from Turkey and Egypt. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss the challenges of integration, to inform about procedures in public services, and to exchange best practices.

Georgia: Within the reporting period 20 foreigners have been enrolled in the State Language Teaching and Integration Program. As of December 2021, in total 59 foreigners (asylum seekers/temporary residents) continue online learning of the Georgian language on A1 and A2 levels;

In November 2021, 16 asylum seekers accommodated in the Martkopi Reception Centre of Asylum Seekers started learning "Communication Georgian A1/1” study course of the State Language and Integration Program. Upon the successful graduation of the course the beneficiaries will be granted with certificates.