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  April 2024  

DG Energy Newsletter

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In focus

Energy efficient buildings - delivering energy and cost savings for EU citizens

The recently adopted revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive supports the EU’s wider effort to reach a carbon neutral economy, while improving people's quality of life, lowering the energy bills of households and businesses, boosting the construction ecosystem and contributing to Europe’s energy independence.



Commission supports European photovoltaic manufacturing sector with new European Solar Charter

The Commission is stepping up its efforts to support the solar sector in Europe through the European Solar Charter. Signed on 15 April by the Commission, energy ministers from 23 EU countries and industry representatives, the charter sets out a series of voluntary actions to be undertaken to support the EU photovoltaic sector.


Commission welcomes European Citizens' Panel recommendations on energy efficiency

150 European citizens adopted 13 recommendations for the European Commission on energy efficiency during the final session of the European Citizens' Panel on Energy Efficiency, which took place from 12 to 14 April in Brussels.


Registration is open for the 2024 European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW)

The EUSEW takes place from 11 to 13 June 2024 in Brussels and online. This year edition is themed: Net-zero energy solutions for a competitive Europe. A second major focus of this edition will be on cities, demonstrating their important role in driving positive change.


EU Energy Day at the Hannover Fair

Between 22 and 26 April 2024, the European Commission will be present at the Hannover Fair - one of the world’s largest industrial fairs – to underline the importance of boosting EU industrial competitiveness.


Commissioner Simson at International Renewable Energy Agency Assembly to foster global cooperation on renewables

The Commissioner for Energy is in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, until 18 April to participate in the 14th session of the Assembly of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), a key annual meeting to foster cooperation at the global level on the uptake of renewable energy.


Energy efficient products: Commission moves to improve quality of information to consumers and companies

The Commission launched on 2 April three new elements to further support the energy efficiency and ecodesign of a wide range of household products and appliances on the EU market.


166 key cross-border energy projects published

The European Commission has published the first list of Projects of Common Interest and Projects of Mutual Interest in the Official Journal of the European Union. The selected projects will help to achieve the ambitious energy and climate objectives of the European Green Deal.


Commission takes stock of the Clean Transition Dialogues with EU industry and social partners

On 10 April, the Commission adopted a Communication taking stock of a series of Clean Transition Dialogues on transforming Europe into a clean, resource-efficient, fair and competitive economy.


EU-Australia agree on importance of energy cooperation

The EU and Australia underlined in a joint press statement on 4 April the importance of enhancing bilateral cooperation in the energy sector. Both parties reaffirmed their 'unwavering commitment' to implementing the Paris agreement and accelerating the global clean energy transformation.


Statement by the EU and the US following the 11th EU-US Energy Council

The two parties met on 15 March in Washington to discuss strategic energy issues for transatlantic energy, such as energy security, stability and transparency in global energy markets, and just energy transitions.


CEF Energy launches €850 million call for energy infrastructure projects

This new call for proposals for key cross-border EU energy infrastructure projects included in the Union list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) is open for submission on 30 April and will close on 22 October 2024.


Energy Performance of Buildings Directive adopted to bring down energy bills and reduce emissions

The Commission welcomed on 12 April the final adoption of the strengthened Directive, another milestone of the European Green Deal. This legislation sets the framework for Member States to reduce emissions and energy use in buildings across the EU, from homes and workplaces to schools, hospitals and other public buildings.


2 years since Ukraine and Moldova synchronised electricity grids with EU

Last 16 March 2024 marked the second anniversary of the synchronisation of Ukraine’s and Moldova’s electricity grids to the Continental European Network. In the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, this process was completed in less than 3 weeks, although more than 1 year was initially foreseen.


Commission adopts EU-wide scheme for rating sustainability of data centres

As foreseen under the new, recast Energy Efficiency Directive, this secondary legislation requires data centre operators to report the key performance indicators to the European database by 15 September 2024 and then by 15 May in 2025 and subsequent years.


Citizen-led renovation – open call for participants

Selected participants will benefit from tailored capacity building, technical and support for communication matters regarding the project or community to implement their citizen-led renovation project. All energy communities can respond to the call for participation until 31 May.


Energy fact of the month

Gas storage at record post-winter storage levels

On 1 April 2024, the EU had reached historically high storages of gas – close to 59% compared to the average gas storage during 2016-2020 which was 36%. It is the result of our successful diversification of energy supplies and shows that markets are very stable.

See also Statement by Commissioner Simson


Speech at the signing ceremony of the European Solar Charter (15 April 2024)


Speech by President von der Leyen at the Nuclear Energy Summit (21 March 2024)


Watch our new video!

Nuclear power and SMRs in the EU

Did you know that more than a fifth of EU’s electricity is generated by nuclear power? Watch this video to find out how the European Commission contributes to make sure that the power produced is safe for all and how SMRs could offer a low-carbon alternative to fossil-fueled power plants.


Upcoming events

Just Transition Platform Conference

date 16/04/2024 - 17/04/2024
venue Brussels (Belgium)

Launch event: European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition - cooperating to upscale energy efficiency investments

date 22/04/2024
venue Brussels (Belgium)

EU Energy Day at the Hannover Messe

date 23/04/2024
venue Hannover (Germany)

The EU blueprint for fusion energy

date 23/04/2024
venue Brussels (Belgium)

European Gas Regulatory Forum

date 25/04/2024 - 26/04/2024
venue Madrid (Spain)

Clean energy for EU islands forum 2024

date 14/05/2024 - 15/05/2024
venue Pantelleria (Italy)

Equality Platform meeting: How to support women to become sustainable energy entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs

date 16/05/2024
venue Florence (Italy)

European Electricity Regulatory Forum

date 27/05/2024 - 28/05/2024
venue Florence (Italy)

European Sustainable Energy Week 2024

date 11/06/2024 - 13/06/2024
venue Brussels (Belgium) and online

Public consultations and calls

Market needs for long-term gas products under a permanent mechanism for Demand Aggregation and Joint Purchasing

Deadline 02/05/2024

Latest studies and publications

Study on energy prices and costs - Evaluating impacts on households and industry : 2023 edition


Financial instruments and models for services and prosumers - Investors dialogue on energy


Europe’s energy infrastructure configurations : a 2030-2050 outlook (METIS 3 study S4)


Radiological protection considerations for fusion reactors : proceedings of a scientific seminar held on 29 November 2022



DG Energy

Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson

The European Green Deal

© European Union 2024 - Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Images on the top banner: © European Union

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Catalogue number: MJ-AF-24-004-EN-N

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ISSN: 2529-4857