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European Youth Event draws over 8,500 participants

date:  10/07/2023


The fifth edition of the European Youth Event (EYE2023) took place on 9 and 10 June and featured both in-person and hybrid activities in Strasbourg. The event offered a unique opportunity for people aged between 16 and 30 to interact, inspire each other and exchange their views with experts, activists, influencers and decision-makers, right in the heart of European democracy. 

The European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion organised the panel discussion ’Green excellence: innovation for a sustainable future’ as well as the interactive workshop ‘Skill up with Europass’ to put a spotlight on the European Year of Skills. 

The session ‘Green excellence: innovation for a sustainable future’ brought together over 200 participants and highlighted three first-hand experiences from young speakers involved in green projects. The speakers shared how they have transformed their passions and values into jobs for a sustainable future. 

An overview on EU initiatives that support and empower young people through the Erasmus + programme, apprenticeships and CoVEs was presented to more than 200 young participants. 

At the Europarl radio programme, experts from DG Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion provided an overview of Europass, its flexibility and adaptability to meet the diverse needs of users, and gave valuable tips on creating a good CV and using the Europass cover letter effectively. This presentation continued in the workshop ‘Skill up with Europass’, which had around 180 participants. 

Read more about the Commission’s sessions at the event

Learn more about the event itself and watch the recap video

Watch recordings of the plenary sessions