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EAfA members invited to join sixth EAfA seminar for partner countries

date:  10/07/2023


On 11−12 October, EAfA and the European Training Foundation (ETF) are organising the sixth EAfA seminar for partner countries in Turin, Italy. 

The seminar takes place in the context of the European Year of Skills and the European Vocational Skills Week. Its main purpose is to enable learning among ETF partner countries and EAfA members: governments, businesses, social partners, chambers, vocational education and training providers, regions and youth representatives. This year, the focus will be on high-level apprenticeships and the role of in-company trainers in work-based learning. 

The event will feature speakers from DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, EU social partners, the Western Balkans Alliance for Work-Based Learning, EU Member States, as well as presentations from schools and companies. 

Register for the event here before 10 August 2023 (EAfA members only).