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Online workshop on ESCO for Egyptian stakeholders

The ESCO team presented the classification to Egyptian stakeholders within the project "Towards a Holistic Approach to Labour Migration Governance and Labour Mobility in North Africa (THAMM)" in a webinar on the 15th of November 2021. Representatives from the International Organisation of Migration and Egyptian stakeholders were particularly interested in learning more about ESCO and other existing mechanisms for the assessment, certification, validation and recognition of migrants' skills and qualifications. More information is available below.

date:  17/11/2021

See alsoLearn more about the THAMM project

The webinar highlighted  ESCO's policy objectives, its main use cases and two concrete showcases: the use of ESCO skills in connecting with learning outcomes of qualifications and a EU-wide digital skills and competences assessment tool.

Stakeholders' main interests revolved around digital skills and self-assessment tools, the updating cycle of ESCO and how the taxonomy can be useful in linking national qualifications with the labour market.