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Quality Assurance in VET: Recent national initiatives

Here we highlight the remarkable efforts and innovations of National Reference Points (NRPs) across Europe and beyond. This edition showcases diverse initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of vocational education and training (VET).

Cedefop's NQF online tool allows cross-border comparison of qualifications

Cedefop, in collaboration with the European Commission and ETF, launched in February 2024 and updated version of its National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) online tool. This resource, covering 41 countries participating in the EQF process, aims to promote transparency and comparability of qualifications, facilitating individual mobility across borders and sectors. The new key features include an interactive qualification comparison tool, and updated lists of NQF websites as well as national qualifications databases. The information displayed in this tool is collected biennially, and serves to inspire transparent and accessible education and training systems, aligning with the goals of the European Year of Skills. Click on “read more” or “NQF online tool” to access the further information about the online tool. READ MORE; NQF ONLINE TOOL

Check out the latest EAfA factsheet on transversal skills in apprenticeships

In response to the rapidly evolving labour market, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) released in March 2024 a new factsheet focusing on transversal skills. These skills, such as critical thinking and teamwork, are increasingly vital across various roles and sectors. The factsheet underlines the value of incorporating transversal skills alongside occupation-specific ones in apprenticeship programs to enhance adaptability to changing market dynamics, particularly driven by digital and green transitions. This document offers insights on existing strategies and updates about EU initiatives to aid employers and vocational education and training providers in integrating transversal skills effectively. Click on “read more” or “factsheet” to access the further information about the factsheet. READ MORE; FACTSHEET

Commission sets out actions to tackle labour and skills shortages

On 20 March 2024, the European Commission presented an action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages in collaboration with Member States and social partners, targeting 42 identified 'shortage' occupations. This plan aims to boost competitiveness and resilience, addressing demographic shifts, technological advancements, and sector-specific demands. Proposed measures include five areas, including activating underrepresented groups, enhancing skills development, improving working conditions, promoting intra-EU mobility, and attracting talent from outside the EU. As a key deliverable of the European Year of Skills, the Commission will monitor its progress in the framework of the European Semester, and aims to achieve 2030 EU headline targets on skills and employment (78% of employment and 60% adult participation in yearly training). Click on “action plan” or “factsheet” to access the further information about the action plan. ACTION PLAN; FACTSHEET

European Commission publishes evaluations of Europass and European Qualifications Framework

In March 2024, the European Commission published the results of the evaluations of Europass and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), which confirm their positive impact on fostering transparency and understanding of qualifications and skills across Europe. The evaluation results on the implementation of the Europass are gathered in a report and a Commission Staff working document. The Europass evaluation stresses its effectiveness as a one-stop shop for skills, qualifications, and mobility tools, particularly beneficial for young users starting their careers. Similarly, the EQF evaluation is gathered in an executive summary as well as a Commission Staff working document, which recognises its role as a reference point for understanding qualifications, with widespread implementation across EU countries and global recognition. Both initiatives aim to bridge the gap between formal and non-formal learning and support upskilling and reskilling efforts, aligning with the objectives of the European Skills Agenda. Click on “read more” to access the further information about the evaluations. READ MORE

Commission takes action to improve the quality of traineeships in the EU

On 20 March 2024, the European Commission proposed an initiative to improve working conditions for trainees, including pay, inclusiveness and quality of traineeships in the EU. This initiative consists of, first, a proposal for a Directive on improving and enforcing working conditions for trainees and combatting regular employment relationships disguised as traineeships, and, second, a proposal to revise the 2014 Council Recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships to address issues of quality and inclusiveness, such as fair pay and access to social protection. This process responds to the growing demand for traineeships, estimated at 3.1 million trainees in the EU, and seeks to enhance employability and address youth employment challenges. The proposal will undergo discussion by the European Parliament and Member States, with plans for implementation within two years upon adoption. Click on “read more” to access the further information about the initiative. READ MORE

European Year of Skills concludes with vision for a "global century of skills"

On 30 April 2024, the European Commission's Executive Vice-President, Margaret Vestager, closed the European Year of Skills in a conference highlighting the urgent need to adapt to rapidly changing economies and calling for a "global century of skills." The event showcased contributions from the European Training Foundation (ETF) and Cedefop, highlighting the importance of collaboration in addressing skills shortages and supporting the green and digital transitions. Initiatives like ETF's #MySkills4You and ideathons, along with Cedefop’s research and policy analysis, were noted as crucial in guiding future efforts. Both organisations stressed the need for lifelong learning, greater inclusion in EU discussions, and support for regions like Ukraine to ensure stability and prosperity through skills development. Click on “read more”, “recording”, or “programme” to access the further information about the closure of the European Year of Skills. READ MORE; RECORDING; PROGRAMME

The EQAVET webinar delved into the evolving trends and developments in quality assurance at VET provider level

The EQAVET webinar, held on 26 October 2023, focused on the evolving trends and developments in quality assurance at VET provider level. As part of the European Vocational Skills Week 2023, the webinar was attended by around 130 participants, with sessions delving into emerging quality assurance approaches and solutions, highlighting the role of VET providers in fostering a quality culture and continuous development. The event highlighted the adaptability of the EQAVET framework to national contexts and noted the importance of ongoing progress aligned with national VET systems. Click on “read more”, “recording”, “flash report”, or “full report” to access the further information about the webinar. READ MORE; RECORDING; FLASH REPORT; FULL REPORT

EQAVET Peer Learning Activity discusses Quality Assurance of digital tools and delivery in VET

On 22 and 23 November 2023, the EQAVET PLA on 'Quality assuring the digital tools and delivery in VET,' delved into critical discussions on the challenges and initiatives regarding quality assurance in the context of digital tools and VET. The event brought together 40 participants representing more than 20 EU and Non-EU countries, with a focus on system and provider-level initiatives. The discussions highlighted key areas such as AI utilisation, the digital competences of stakeholders, and equitable access to digital learning. The event highlighted EQAVET's role in addressing specific QA needs, offering a reference framework to navigate the complexities of VET processes. Through group discussions and presentations, participants shared insights into emerging QA needs and showcased diverse QA practices from their respective countries. Click on “read more” or “flash report” to access the further information into the discussions and initiatives presented during the November 2023 PLA.

EQAVET PLA: Quality assuring education for democratic citizenship in VET

During 24 and 25 April 2024 Peer Learning Activity (PLA), the EQAVET Network Members and stakeholders delved into the topic of democratic citizenship education and how it can be quality assured. With over 71 participants representing more than 25 EU and non-EU countries, stakeholders from diverse backgrounds engaged in discussions on the role of quality assurance, including EQAVET, and the involvement of various stakeholders in fostering democratic citizenship competencies. Presentations from experts and thematic discussions highlighted common challenges and shared insights on how quality assurance measures can bridge the implementation gap in VET democratic citizenship education. Click on “read more” or “flash report” to access the further information into the discussions and initiatives presented during the April 2024 PLA.

2024 Annual Network Meeting

The EQAVET Annual Network Meeting (ANM) 2024 was held on June 13 and 14 in Brussels, Belgium, with 78 participants from 33 countries, including 27 EU member states and 6 non-EU countries. Presentations covered EU policy updates, evaluations of the European Qualifications Framework and Europass, and Belgium’s efforts to enhance Vocational Education and Training (VET). Discussions included the OECD study on Quality Assurance in Adult Education, the use of AI and XR in VET, and national initiatives from Romania, Spain, and Bulgaria. The meeting emphasised the importance of addressing skills gaps, enhancing labour market relevance, and fostering cooperation through interactive sessions, panel discussions, and presentations. More information about the ANM can be found here and in the ‘flash report’.


With the conclusion of the first EQAVET Peer Review cycle of 2022-2023, the year 2024 brings the second Peer Review cycle, with 20 Peer Reviews taking place across participating countries until 2026. We kindly thank all the National Reference Points (NRP) who have expressed their enthusiastic participation and engagement on this fruitful exercise. Whether hosting or acting as peers, the Peer Reviews lay the ground for strengthening the EQAVET Network, fostering the exchange of best practices, and enhancing knowledge in the field of Vocational Education and Training.

AccessibleEU July Events

The first leg of summer is bringing several interesting events from all over Europe about different topics, such as assistive technologies, digital accessibility, housing adaptations or sports.

How can bank services become more accessible?

What does the European Accessibility Act (EAA) mean for banks and their customers? This was the topic of a recent AccessibleEU event in Sweden, which you can now watch with English subtitles.