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Quality Assurance in VET: Recent national initiatives

Here we highlight the remarkable efforts and innovations of National Reference Points (NRPs) across Europe and beyond. This edition showcases diverse initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of vocational education and training (VET).

date:  26/06/2024

Austria has successfully introduced the Q Manual, completing their Quality Management System for Schools. Czechia is making strides in improving practical training with a new quality standard for schools and companies. Croatia recently held its third National Conference on Quality Assurance in VET, while Estonia shared the outcomes of their QA assessments in continuing education. Germany’s insights into the planning and organisation of in-company training provide a detailed look at process quality in vocational training. In Greece, efforts are underway to design a comprehensive National Quality Assurance Framework for non-formal education and AVPL. The Netherlands is focusing on boosting student participation through a series of workshops, and Slovakia celebrated its fourth Month of Quality in VET with awards and international collaboration.

Additionally, Georgia has implemented EQAVET indicators to evaluate its VET system, and Hungary continues to provide robust support for quality management in VET institutions. Spain has published a brochure on their QACS project, aimed at promoting quality assurance in their Centres of Vocational Excellence. 

Dive into each country’s contribution below to learn more about these inspiring initiatives and their impact on the VET landscape.

Austria Introduces the Comprehensive Q Manual for Schools

Austria's latest development in Quality Management Systems (QMS) for schools has culminated in the introduction of the Q Manual. This manual serves as a pivotal tool for managing a school's key documents and processes, marking the final piece in the QMS framework. The 2023/2024 school year saw the stepwise implementation of the Q Manual across Austrian schools. Early feedback has been positive, bolstered by extensive support materials provided to educational institutions. The Q Manual aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of school management practices, aligning with EQAVET principles.

Czech Republic Develops New WBL Quality Standards

The Czech Republic has advanced its vocational education by developing quality standards for practical training within the Strategy 2030+. This initiative aligns with EQAVET Indicator 1 and includes a dual education system fostering cooperation between schools and companies. In 2022, the National Pedagogical Institute in the Czech Republic drafted a comprehensive quality standard and evaluation tool, piloted across 17 secondary schools and 8 regions. Feedback from these trials indicated the tools were user-friendly and effective. Future plans involve digitising these tools by 2026, enhancing the evaluation and monitoring process. 

Croatia Hosts National Conference on VET Quality Assurance

On April 4th, 2024, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE) held its third National Conference on Quality Assurance in VET in Zagreb. The conference, part of the Erasmus+ project EQAVET NRP, gathered 140 participants, including VET providers, the Ministry of Education, and the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes. The event featured a plenary session with presentations from national and international experts, followed by interactive workshops focused on various phases of the quality cycle. Attendees found the workshops particularly beneficial for enhancing their quality assurance practices. 

Estonia's QA Success in Continuing Education

The Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA) conducted quality assessments in 2022-2023 for 117 continuing education organisations. Findings showed that 76% of these institutions met or exceeded quality standards, particularly in curriculum development and instructor expertise. The assessment identified specific areas needing improvement, guiding targeted enhancements. These results underline Estonia's commitment to maintaining high standards in continuing education, aligning with EQAVET principles. 

Georgia Implements EQAVET Indicators for VET System Evaluation

Since 2020, Georgia has embarked on integrating EQAVET indicators to evaluate its vocational education and training (VET) system. The first major evaluation using five EQAVET indicators occurred in 2022, focusing on participation rates, graduation rates, unemployment rates, and the involvement of socially vulnerable groups, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The 2023 evaluation expanded to include placement rates in VET programmes and the utilisation of acquired skills in the workplace. By the end of 2023, Georgia had introduced assessments using a broader range of EQAVET indicators, specifically indicators 2 through 9. The initial comprehensive results from these evaluations are anticipated in 2027, marking a significant milestone in Georgia’s commitment to enhancing the quality and accessibility of its VET system. 

Germany Explores In-Company Training Planning

Germany's recent research project, "Planning and Organising Training in the Context of Learning in the Work Process," provides in-depth insights into how companies plan and organise vocational training. The study included 45 company case studies and 1,343 interviews across 18 dual training occupations. Findings suggest the need for digitally integrated quality assurance tools and model training plans. These insights are crucial for refining vocational training quality in Germany, adhering to EQAVET standards. 

Greece's Initiative for QA in Non-Formal Education

Greece, with support from the OECD and European Commission, is developing a National Framework for Quality Assurance in Non-Formal Education and the Assessment and Validation of Prior Learning (AVPL). The project includes extensive consultations and a review of EU best practices. Key deliverables are roadmaps for implementing the QA framework and AVPL system. This initiative aims to enhance the quality and recognition of non-formal learning, supporting lifelong learning opportunities in Greece. 

Hungary Enhances VET Quality Management with Continued Support

In Hungary, formal VET institutions have been receiving ongoing professional support to implement and operate their quality management systems in alignment with EQAVET criteria and indicators. This support, which has been continuously adapted over several years to meet current needs, focuses on conducting thorough self-evaluations. Hungarian institutions are currently engaged in these self-evaluations, utilising EQAVET-aligned methodologies tailored to the Hungarian IVET context. Quality management experts, both practitioners and consultants, provide practical assistance through online and on-site consultations and workshops. This initiative is managed and coordinated by IKK Zrt., ensuring that VET institutions can effectively navigate the challenges of implementing new self-evaluation systems and methodologies. 

Netherlands Boosts Student Participation in VET

In February 2024, the Dutch NRP launched a series of workshops aimed at improving student participation in VET schools. Collaborating with the National Youth Organisation JOBmbo and the MBO Raad, these workshops help schools develop action plans to enhance student involvement in quality assurance. Thirteen participants from seven VET schools, along with their students, engage in creative activities to visualise and implement improvements. The series will conclude in June, with follow-up sessions planned to assess progress.

Slovakia's Month of Quality in VET Highlights

April 2024 marked the fourth Month of Quality in VET in Slovakia, featuring awards, training sessions, and international collaboration. The EQAVET NRP recognised four secondary schools for excellence in categories such as feedback and practical experience. The event included a final conference with contributions from Dutch and Croatian NRPs, focusing on leadership and student engagement in VET. The Month of Quality has grown since its inception in 2021, fostering a culture of continuous improvement in Slovakian VET. 

Spain Promotes Quality Assurance with QACS Project

Spain's NRP has released a brochure for the "Quality Assurance for COVES in Spain" (QACS) project. This initiative aims to implement EQAVET quality models within the Spanish Network of Centres of Vocational Excellence. The brochure outlines the project's objectives, including the development of quality assurance tools and the promotion of high-quality vocational training. This effort supports the broader goal of enhancing VET across Spain, ensuring alignment with European standards.