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This quarter at a glance

The European Resource Centre (AccessibleEU) was officially launched on 4 July in Brussels, in an event chaired by European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, and the President of ONCE Social Group, Miguel Carballeda. The Centre will act as a lever to improve the life of the about 87 million of people in Europe living with some form of disability.

Participants at AccessibleEU launching event in Brussels
Fundación ONCE

date:  30/06/2023

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Jesús Hernández, Director of Accessibility and Innovation of Fundación ONCE; Inmaculada Placencia, and Senior Expert on Disability and Inclusion at the European Commission Directorate General for Employment explained the Centre’s purpose and goal.

The event, which was held in Brussels, was also attended by relevant European disability organisations such as EDF, European Union of the Deaf, or Autism Europe.

Other national and European events were also organised during the past quarter across the EU.

In Paris, AccessibleEU in collaboration with AAATE held the workshop Your role in making Higher Education more accessible and inclusive. This event aimed to provide the different actors within the educational institutions with the required tools and knowledge to comply with the fundamental principles of Design for All (Universal Design) required by European rules.

Additionally, the Centre organised several national level workshops and awareness raising events to discuss different accessibility related topics, and to present the Centre. These events took place in Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Ireland, Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Poland among others.