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New publication: Empowering the licensing capabilities of EIC-funded start-up companies

Licensing has a key role for many EIC beneficiaries, serving as a vital mechanism facilitating technology transfer, accelerating market entry, and enabling revenue generation. The Innovation Radar analysis revealed that 37 percent of EIC-supported innovations required or would benefit from licensing. Licensing is portrayed as a robust business strategy providing access to technology and intellectual property, highlighting various models like development partnerships, freedom to operate agreements, and horizontal as well as vertical commercial licensing strategies.

How to record copyright in China?

Voluntary copyright registration is useful in China especially when starting enforcement proceedings in case of an infringement because authorities would require you to show copyright certificate as proof of your rights before taking up your case. In this article, the China IP SME Helpdesk external expert Dr Jian Xu explains how to register copyright in China.

China's Supreme People's Court Amends the Jurisdiction Rules of the IP Tribunal

In November 2023, the China’s Supreme People's Court amended the Jurisdiction Rules of the IP Tribunal, limiting the scope of the cases handled by the special IP Tribunals so that the IP Tribunals will focus on ‘significant and complicated’ cases. Read the China IP SME Helpdesk external expert Dr Leslie Xu’s analysis to learn what this means in practice for the right holders. The article was first published on the website of Chang Tsi & Partners.

TIPO Offers New Examination Services for Design Patents

To combat design infringements and improve services to startups and design competition winners, the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) has started to offer accelerated examination services related to design patent applications as of 1st of September 2023. Read more to learn whether you could benefit from the accelerated examination services offering the examination results within 2 months of having received the application.

China strengthens patent examination for cutting-edge industries

In recent months, China has improved the examination of patents relating to the fields of big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and genetic technologies. More specifically, “It has revised examination standards for these cutting-edge industries, expanding patent scope and providing higher examination quality and efficiency”, according to Wu Hongxiu, Deputy Director of Patent Examination Management Department of CNIPA.

China sees new types of copyright crimes, business secret offenses surge

During the 12th China Intellectual Property Annual Conference held in Jinan in September 2023, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released statistics about the intellectual property related crimes in the first half of 2023. The country's top procuratorate highlighted new types of copyright infringement cases, mainly dealing with online infringements and trade secrets related infringements.

Factsheet: Technology Transfer in India

The process of technology transfer involves the exchange or utilization of existing knowledge, intangible assets, know-how, and capabilities through agreements to foster the dissemination of innovation and create new market opportunities. The India IP SME Helpdesk team has recently released a new factsheet that provides a comprehensive overview of technology transfer in India.

Blog Post: Use of Blockchain to Protect Against Counterfeiting

Blockchain has been a hot topic for the past few years. It can also be a valuable tool for protecting intellectual property by acting as a control mechanism to prevent any counterfeits from entering the supply chain when importing or exporting products to the Indian market.

Blog Post: The Geography of Counterfeiting in India

Counterfeiting in India - like in many countries - is geographically spread throughout the territories: some areas are known for the production of fake watches, while others specialise in counterfeit car parts.

Why CNIPA doesn't suspend Trademark procedures in case of pending prejudicial procedure

Many EU SMEs file a trade mark in China and receive a preliminary rejection from the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) because of a prior similar or identical trade mark. The SMEs may then, with the help of a lawyer, try to file a non-use cancellation to invalidate the prior mark and appeal against the refusal. In many cases, however, the CNIPA may decide on the appeal before they hear the non-use cancellation case, leaving many SMEs frustrated. In this article China IP SME Helpdesk external expert Fabio Giacopello explains why this happens. To avoid uncertain proceedings, Mr. Giacopello recommends that SMEs always carry out a pre-filing trade mark search to discover any prior similar trade marks.