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10 years of the European Citizens’ Initiative!

Welcome to 2022 – the year we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI)! 10 years since the first initiatives were registered – we're up to 86 and counting! 10 years of campaigning for signatures and support; reforms to make the ECI tool more user-friendly; adaptations due to the pandemic; the birth of the ECI Forum; launching the ECI Ambassadors programme... 10 years of fostering debate and bringing EU citizens and policymakers closer together.

Together, we have achieved a lot in 10 years. In 2018 the #EUTakeTheInititiave campaign started to help raise awareness about the ECI: events and promotion, videos, a podcast series, and this very newsletter itself! And we feel this is just the beginning. A record number of initiative organisers and multipliers joined in communications efforts about the ECI in 2021.

Give the gift of participation this year. Check below for important dates to mark in your calendar and for how you can get involved in spreading the word about the ECI!

#EUTakeTheInitiative - start, sign and support citizens’ initiatives!

date:  24/01/2022