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Investment Plan: Commission welcomes vote by European Parliament committees as EFSI 2.0 nears final adoption

The Commission has welcomed the vote by Members of the European Parliament’s Budgets and Economic and Monetary Affairs committees in which they agreed on their position on extending, expanding and reinforcing the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the so-called “EFSI 2.0”. It is now up to the Parliament and Member States to reach agreement on final adoption of the EFSI 2.0 proposal.

ECFIN stand at EU Open Doors Day marks 15 years of the euro and explains how the EU is supporting investment

To celebrate Europe Day, the EU institutions opened their doors to the public on 6 May in Brussels and across Europe and the world. ECFIN welcomed visitors to the Berlaymont Building in Brussels where its stand marked 15 years of euro coins and banknotes, and presented how the EU is supporting investment in Europe through the EUR 315 billion European Investment Plan. The stand also provided visitors with the latest information on how the EU and the euro area have strengthened their economic coordination over the past several years.

GDP up by 0.5% in the euro area and by 0.4% in the EU

Seasonally adjusted GDP rose by 0.5% in the euro area and by 0.4% in the EU during the first quarter of 2017, compared with the previous quarter, according to a preliminary flash estimate published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU.