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InvestEU kickstarts €250 million of investment in affordable social housing, skills and social enterprises under agreement with Council of Europe Development Bank

The InvestEU Investment Committee has approved a new guarantee, bringing the total number of operations financed by the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and backed by InvestEU to five. The CEB projects are expected to mobilise €252.5 million in financing for affordable social housing, education and training, as well as microfinance and social enterprise finance sectors.

Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy

“In spite of the shocks caused by COVID-19 and Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, the EU has continued to make progress towards the SDGs. We have advanced on ensuring decent work and economic growth; reducing poverty; and fostering peace, security and inclusive societies and institutions.”

The EU's Voluntary Review reaffirms commitment to delivering the Sustainable Development Goals at home and around the world

The European Union has presented at the United Nations in New York its first Voluntary Review on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The review underlines how the EU has put the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the heart of EU policymaking. This is visible in all major EU initiatives, from the European Green Deal to NextGenerationEU. The European Commission has also integrated the SDGs in the European Semester, the EU's framework for economic and fiscal policy coordination.

InvestEU Portal success story

We are excited to inform you that Interstellar Lab - an InvestEU Portal company - successfully raised funding from business angel investors, following their pitch at the 2022 European Angel Investment Summit (co-organized by EBAN and the InvestEU Portal). Our big congratulations to them!

InvestEU Portal expands

We are pleased to share the news that the InvestEU Portal now also promotes the first submitted projects from Norway and Iceland. Have a look at who these companies are!

The new InvestEU video is out!

We are happy to announce that the new InvestEU video is now published. What is InvestEU and how is it implemented? Which policy priorities does it cover? How can financing and advisory support be obtained? Watch the explanatory video and find the answers to these questions and much more about the programme! Watch the video here!

Do we need the digital euro?

The most recent episode of Real Economy examines the digital euro. The episode features an interview with Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union, Mairead McGuinness, who explains the challenges of creating this new currency and why we need a digital euro.