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date:  04/12/2017

101 event ideas brochure

101 event ideas

The European Heritage Days are proud to present this compilation of 101 ideas that you can bring to your local community in order to highlight shared heritage, show how Europeans connect through different surroundings and highlight the importance of shared cultural values.

Read "101 event ideas"

New report on ‘Cultural heritage for Inclusive Growth’ from British Council

Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth

The report presents a new approach to inclusive growth that looks at the social and economic benefits of cultural heritage for all levels of society.

Read the report "Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth" from the British Council

New e-book Connecting Cultures, Connected Citizens

Connecting Cultures, Connected Citizens

The booklet presents some of the most interesting and exciting Interreg projects that have received the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 label.

Read the e-book "Connecting Cultures, Connected Citizens"