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The European Year of Cultural Heritage is officially under way

date:  04/12/2017

Throughout 2018, we will be encouraging Europeans to discover and engage with their history, identity and traditions. Look out for a number of events taking place across Europe to celebrate the past, present and future of our shared culture.

This is the second of 6 newsletters which will continue to bring you all relevant highlights and opportunities as the year progresses. Don’t forget to share it with friends and colleagues who may be interested!

Under the microscope

From creating digital archives to helping preserve priceless artefacts, research and innovation (R&I) is contributing to make cultural heritage more accessible to people across Europe. R&I can nurture smart and technologically advanced solutions to the problems we face in trying to protect our heritage.

For this reason, R&I is a major theme of the year. 'Science for heritage: research, innovation, science and technology for the benefit of heritage' is one of the ten European initiatives that will build the year's legacy.

The High Level Innovation and Cultural Heritage Conference will take place on 20 March 2018 in Brussels to launch the R&I-themed events and activities within the European Year of Cultural Heritage. The conference will showcase how the most promising innovations benefit from support by European policies and funds, and how they interact with contemporary European society.

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