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Coming soon: The Education and Training Monitor 2017

date:  30/10/2017

Dear Education and Training Stakeholder,

The essential publication for education and training policymakers across the EU is the Education and Training Monitor. A product of the European Commission's DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, the Monitor fuels the debate on priority themes for education and training and informs national education reform debates.

It brings together a wide array of evidence and an in-depth analysis in a concise and accessible package.

The 2017 edition will be released at a press conference on 9 November.

The Monitor consists of the EU-wide analysis of trends in education and training and 28 country reports on the state of education and training systems, one for each of the EU Member States.

You can see data analysed and the progress countries are making towards the Education and Training 2020 targets through the interactive maps.

What is expected from you?

  • Read the Education and Training Monitor
  • Share it with your colleagues and online
  • Follow the hashtag #ETMonitor
  • Join the debate

How to find out more?

Follow the launch seminar webstreamed live from 10:00 - 12:30 Brussels time on 10 November.

Check your Commission representation website to see if the Monitor will be presented in your country.

Thank you for your time and support.